Niedersächsisches Institut für historische Küstenforschung (NIhK)
Viktoriastraße 26/28
26382 Wilhelmshaven
This institution in GERiT
26382 Wilhelmshaven
Research Grants
Current projects
Dwelling Mounds and beach ridges in Butjadingen/ southern North Sea Coast - Settlement Dynamics in an area of coastal progradation during the Roman Iron Age (BUT)
Bungenstock, Friederike
Jöns, Hauke
Interdisciplinary investigations of a medieval chieftain's castle in the Frisian coastal area
Krabath, Stefan
Mesolithic in Northwestern Germany: Investigations on landscape use and cultural interrelations
Mahlstedt, Svea
Pottery traditions of Early Medieval shell-tempered ware in northwestern Central Europe
Jöns, Hauke
The graves of the Fallward cemetry in the mirror of their organic objects - research on the funerary customs of the late Roman and Migration Period in northwestern Germany
Jöns, Hauke
Krekel, Christoph
Completed projects
Archaeobotanical and palynological investigations on the subsistence and environmental influence of the Bronze Age settlement Fidvár near Vráble, Slovakia
Bittmann, Felix
At the edge of the sea - the prehistoric bank enclosures of Duhnen (city of Cuxhaven)
Mennenga, Moritz
Das Küstenholozän der Südlichen Nordsee - 3D-Modell einer Transgression
Schäfer, Andreas
Der eisenzeitliche Zentralplatz von Sievern, Lkr. Cuxhaven - Prospektion und Sondagen
Jöns, Hauke
Stümpel, Harald
Die Anfänge der Besiedlung der deutschen Marsch. Die spätbronzezeitliche Siedlung bei Rodenkirchen - Hahnenknooper Mühle, Ldkr. Wesermarsch
Strahl, Erwin
Manipulation of Objects from Graves – Aspects of Ritual and Symbolic Communication between Late Bronze Age and Late Latène Period in South and Southwest Germany
Augstein, Melanie
Nienbüttel - ,the richest cemetery in Eastern Lower Saxony'
Augstein, Melanie
Karlsen, Hans-Jörg
Pottery traditions as a mirror of social structures of the 5th and 4th millennium BC in northern Central Europe
Jöns, Hauke
Prehistoric Settlements and Development of the Regional Economic Area (Project 4)
Lüth, Friedrich
Rekonstruktion von spätglazialen und holozänen Umweltveränderungen im Einzugsgebiet des Eversener Sees (NW-Deutschland)
Behling, Hermann
Bittmann, Felix
Zolitschka, Bernd
Structure and organisation of the economy and society in the East Frisian coastal area during the early Middle Ages: The settlement area at Dunum, in the District of Wittmund, is taken as a regional model
Jöns, Hauke
Struktur und Funktion von Landeplätzen und Ufermärkten des 1. Jt. an der unteren Weser und der unteren Ems
Jöns, Hauke
Subsistence strategies, settlement structure, and communication in the Terminal Mesolithic, using the example of a submerged microregion in the Bay of Kiel
Hartz, Sönke
Segschneider, Martin
Wolters, Steffen
The Elsfleth-Hogenkamp beach market during the Roman Iron Age and Migration Period. Interdisciplinary surveys undertaken to determine its settlement and economic structures and topographical changes in the first millennium AD
Jöns, Hauke
The Ertebølle Settlement Strande LA 163, Kr. Rendsburg-Eckernförde and the Littorina-Transgression - submarine surveys and investigations
Jöns, Hauke
The rise and decline of the central settlement of Fidvár near Vráble (Southwestern Slovakia) - Studies on the economy, social structure and political organization of a social unit within its wider surroundings
Bittmann, Felix
Rassmann, Knut
Untersuchungen zur ländlichen Besiedlung, zum Burgenbau und zu Besiedlungsstrukturen an der Nordgrenze des linonischen Siedlungsgebietes
Lüth, Friedrich
Untersuchungen zur ländlichen Besiedlung, zum Burgenbau, zu Besiedlungsstrukturen an der Nordgrenze des linonischen Siedlungsgebietes
Lüth, Friedrich
Vegetation History of the German Landscapes
Dörfler, Walter
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Feddersen Wierde. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabung der vorgeschichtlichen Wurt Feddersen Wierde bei Bremerhaven in den Jahren 1955 bis 1963. Band 5 (Verfasser: Peter Schmid) Band 6 (Verfasser: Jörn Schuster)
von Schnurbein, Siegmar
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Cyclic ice sheet collapses, meltwater events and proxies for a reduction of bottom water circulation along the West Antarctic Peninsula margin
Hepp, Daniel A.
Geotechnical and sediment physical characterization of glacial-interglacial cycles on a late Miocene to Holocene shelf-slope transect (Canterbury Basin, New Zealand)
Hepp, Daniel A.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Early medieval harbours between Wismar Bay and Danzig Bay (Germany/Poland)
Jöns, Hauke
Lüth, Friedrich
"Gewerbewurten" and "Geestrandhäfen" - medieval harbours of trading places along the German North Sea coast
Jöns, Hauke
Segschneider, Martin
Requirements, structure and consequences of settlements and land use in north-western Germany at the time of the Funnel Beaker and Single Grave cultures (TRB North-western Germany)
Jöns, Hauke
Tradition, technology and communication structures of the Funnel Beaker Culture pottery craft
Jöns, Hauke
Research Units
Completed projects
Prehistoric settlements and development of the regional economic area
Lüth, Friedrich
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
Research Data Infrastructure for the Material Remains of Human History
Freiherr von Rummel, Philipp