Project Details
Universität zu Köln
Fachgruppe Physik
Institut für Theoretische Physik
- Research Fellowships
- Research Grants
- Independent Junior Research Groups
- Priority Programmes
- Collaborative Research Centres
- CRC/Transregios
Current projects
Entanglement(Project Heads Buchhold, Ph.D., Michael ; Eisert, Jens ; Gross, Ph.D., David ; Kastoryano, Michael ; Rizzi, Matteo ; Trebst, Simon ; Turkeshi, Ph.D., Xhek )
Entanglement and Disorder(Project Heads Alldridge, Alexander ; Altland, Alexander ; Brouwer, Piet W. ; Eisert, Jens ; Zirnbauer, Martin R. )
Gapless topological phases(Project Heads Beidenkopf, Haim ; Breitkreiz, Maxim ; Brouwer, Piet W. ; Diehl, Sebastian ; Egger, Reinhold ; Reuther, Johannes ; Yan, Binghai )
Synthetic and holographic quantum matter(Project Heads Altland, Alexander ; Bagrets, Dmitry ; Callebaut, Nele ; Egger, Reinhold ; Eisert, Jens ; Gefen, Yuval ; Oreg, Yuval )
Theory of fractionalized topological phases of matter(Project Heads Berg, Erez ; Hermanns, Maria ; Mross, David ; Oreg, Yuval ; Reuther, Johannes ; Rizzi, Matteo ; Ronen, Yuval ; Stern, Adiel ; Trebst, Simon )
Transmon and superconducting qubits(Project Heads Altland, Alexander ; Flensberg, Karsten ; Koch, Christiane ; Metelmann, Anja ; Trebst, Simon )
Completed projects
Current projects
- Research Units
- WBP Fellowship
- Research Training Groups
- Graduate Schools
- Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)