Technische Universität München (TUM)
Fakultät für Chemie
Lehrstuhl für Anorganische und Metallorganische Chemie
Lichtenbergstraße 4
85748 Garching
This institution in GERiT
85748 Garching
Priority Programmes
Current projects
SPP 1928: Coordination Networks: Building Blocks for Functional Systems
Fischer, Roland A.
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Fischer, Roland A.
CVD-Prozesse mit neuartigen metallorganischen Precursoren zur Herstellung von hoch-Epsilon Gatedielektrika und metallischen Gatelektroden zukünftiger CMOS-Generation
Ryssel, Heiner
Koordinatorfonds im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms "Anorganische Materialien durch Gasphasensynthese: Interdisziplinäre Ansätze zu Entwicklung, Verständnis und Kontrolle von CVD-Verfahren"
Fischer, Roland A.
Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) of functionalized SURMOFs for application in Gas Chromatography
Fischer, Roland A.
Mertens, Florian
Wöll, Christof
Maßgeschneiderte metallorganische Precursoren zur Abscheidung und p-Dotierung (Mg) von GaN
Fischer, Roland A.
MOVPE von Gruppe-III-Nitriden mit intramolekular koordinierten Prekursoren. Mechanistische Studien und Modellierung der Prozesse.
Fischer, Roland A.
Nano-MOFs: In situ monitoring and control of the crystallite growth of MOFs in colloidal solution and at surfaces modified with SAMs employing step-by-step dosing of reactants
Fischer, Roland A.
Huber, Klaus
Wöll, Christof
Nitridoverbrückte Organometallkomplexe: Aufbau neuer Atomsequenzen und Herstellung von Metallnitridphasen aus molekularen Vorstufen
Herrmann, Wolfgang A.
Präkeramische Precursorchemie AlN und TiN basierter Materialien
Fischer, Roland A.
Precursorchemie von HfN, TaN, WNx und ähnlichen Metallnitriden in MOCVD und ALD-Prozessen für Gate-Metallisierungs- und Diffusions-Grenzschichten für CMOS-Bauteile
Fischer, Roland A.
SPP 1119: Inorganic Materials through Vapor-Phase Synthesis: Interdisciplinary Concepts for Development, Understanding and Controlling of CVD Processes
Fischer, Roland A.
Synthesis of intermetallic transition metal-main group metal nanoparticles in ionic liquids
Fischer, Roland A.
Janiak, Christoph
Topology Guided Design of Multi-Photon Absorption in Crystalline Coordination Networks
Fischer, Roland A.
Hauer, Jürgen
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2433: Switchable Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF-Switches)
Kaskel, Stefan
Multivariate, flexible MOFs: The role of functionalized linkers, heterogeneity and defects
Fischer, Roland A.
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Living Libraries of Intermetallic Superatoms
Fischer, Roland A.
Research Grants
Current projects
ABX3 Perovskite Coordination Networks as Barocalorics
Kieslich, Gregor
Design of Geometric Degrees of Freedom in ReO3-type Coordination Polymers
Kieslich, Gregor
Spectroscopic and Mechanistic Understanding of MOF-based Photocatalysts for Solar Fuels Generation.
Fischer, Roland A.
Hauer, Jürgen
Structure and Properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks under Hydrostatic Pressures
Kieslich, Gregor
Surface-Active Ionic Liquids as Epoxidation Catalysts: Reaction Control via Stimuli-Responsive Phase Change
Cokoja, Mirza
Jess, Andreas
Understanding the role of the electrolyte composition in electrocatalysis: How electrolytes control the catalytic activity
Bandarenka, Aliaksandr
Fischer, Roland A.
Completed projects
Defect-Engineered Paddle-Wheel based Metal-Organic Frameworks (DE-MOFs)
Fischer, Roland A.
Schmid, Rochus
Wöll, Christof
Metal@MOFs catalyst materials fabricated by solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) approach
Fischer, Roland A.
Metalorganic copper precursors for Cu-ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition)
Fischer, Roland A.
Metal-organic framework supported metal-oxide semiconductor hetero-nanostructures for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting (MOFMOX)
Fischer, Roland A.
Molecular Alloys: The Transition Metal Compounds [Ma(M'R)b(M''R)c] Containing Organometallic Group-12/13 Ligands
Fischer, Roland A.
Frenking, Gernot
Narrow Size Distribution Metal Nanoparticles Prepared via a Metal-Organic Framework Approach for Electrocatalytic Applications
Bandarenka, Aliaksandr
Fischer, Roland A.
Nitrid-Nanocluster und Nitrid-Kolloide
Fischer, Roland A.
Wet chemical synthesis of surface passivated metal nanoparticles via decomposition of organometallic complexes
Fischer, Roland A.
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Structural Chemistry of Functional Materials
Kieslich, Gregor
WBP Position
Current projects
Structural Modulation of Nonlinear Absorption in Tailored Linkers and MOFs: Synthesis, Characterization and Structure-Activity Relationship
Singh, Ph.D., Kirti
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Catalytic carboamination of alkynes - a new archetype for NLO Chromophores
Obenhuber, Andreas H.
Selbstorganisierende peptidische Nanoröhren als Template für das Design nanostrukturierter mesoporöser Materialien
Eppinger, Jörg
Synthesis and characterization of new pacman-type transition metal complexes and their application as nitrogenase mimics in the catalytic dinitrogen activation
Betz, Daniel
Thermal transport in inorganic-organic frameworks
Kieslich, Gregor
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
CVD- bzw. AL-CVD-Präparation und Modifizierung von Trägerkatalysatoren für die Methanolsynthese
(Project Head
Fischer, Roland A.
Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Support Matrices for Metal/Metaloxide Nanoparticles
(Project Head
Fischer, Roland A.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Atomlagenabscheidungs-Reaktor (ALD Reaktor)
Massenspektrometer mit LIFDl-lonenquelle (Gerät B)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 400 MHz
Wave length dispersive X-ray spectrometer
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 98: Ruhr-University Research School
Fischer, Roland A.
Löwenstein, Wilhelm
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1069: RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation) - Understanding and Design of Solvent Controlled Processes
Havenith-Newen, Martina
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2089: e-conversion
Bein, Thomas
Heiz, Ulrich
Reuter, Karsten