SPP 1178:  Experimental Charge Density as the Key to Understand Chemical Interactions

Subject Area Chemistry
Term from 2005 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5472182

Project Description

The recent results from experimental charge density investigations showed that the method is capable to give answers to controversially discussed bonding issues and to provide innovative new concepts. In this Priority Programme the method is developed by integration of leading national und international groups, flagship research facilities (neutron reactor FRM II, synchrotron), theoretical approaches and modern spectroscopy. The contributing chemical-preparative groups supply methodically and chemically relevant lead structures featuring currently not understood bonding. The close linking of the methodical and preparative groups assures that the results of the charge density studies will generate a common language, wider used than currently available. The scientific synergy results from increasing the field of view: methodologists work at chemical relevant systems, and synthetically orientated chemists get new concepts via the deeper insight in their systems.
Charge density studies in the synthetic pool of molecular chemistry will transfer the intuitive-heuristic instruments, currently employed to judge on reactivity (nucleophilicity, I- and M-effects, conjugation, delocalisation, partial charges, etc.), in quantifiable figures. In the long term they will provide the basis for the rational design of synthetic building blocks.
In life science drugs and cofactors are studied in respect of the charge density distribution. Deducible physical, chemical and structure-chemical features and the molecular interaction in various crystal lattices are related to the biological activity.
In the area of material science only the detailed knowledge of the charge density distribution permits the de novo design and improvement of known materials of a required property profile. Almost any material specification as magnetic, optical and electronic performance can be deduced from the knowledge of the electronic and geometric structure.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection USA


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Dietmar Stalke