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Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie (Otto-Hahn-Institut)
Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1
55128 Mainz
This institution in GERiT
55128 Mainz
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
10Be-10B systematics of chondrules and refractory objects in primitive chondrites
Trieloff, Mario
Combined TEM, NanoSIMS, Synchrotron XRF and STXM study of presolar grains and surrounding pristine matrix mineralogy with special emphasis on Acfer 094 and ALH77307
Brenker, Frank Erich
Dust from Supernovae in the Solar Nebula: An Integrated Nano- and Microanalytical Approach
Hoppe, Peter
Vollmer, Christian
Edelgase und Stickstoff in Mars-Meteoriten als Hinweise zur Entwicklung der Mars-Atmosphäre
Ott, Ulrich
Eine geochemische Studie von Schmelztransportkanälen in ophiolithischen Mantel-Peridotiten
Hofmann, Albrecht W.
Iron-60 as a heat source for melting and differentiation of Earth-forming planetesimals and planetary embryos
Hoppe, Peter
Vollmer, Christian
I-Xe and Ar-Ar chronology of enstatite chondrite and enstatite achondrite parent bodies in the Early Solar System
Hopp, Jens
Outgassing history and early atmospheric processes recorded by paleoatmospheric noble gases in Archaean rocks
Ott, Ulrich
Trieloff, Mario
Phase diagram of ammonia up to 200 GPa, search for ionic phase. Ionic and superionic conductivity of hot solid ammonia
Eremets, Mikhail
Pre-exposure to cosmic rays of chondrules and Ca-, Al-rich inclusions
Ott, Ulrich
Primordial noble gases in micrometeorites and interplanetary dust
Ott, Ulrich
Project on Solar Effects on Chemistry and Climate Including Ocean Interactions (ProSECCO)
Brühl, Christoph
Sample analysis and interpretation of organic species measurements from the Meteor M55-SOLAS
Williams, Jonathan
The composition and temperature of the Martian Core - An experimental determination of the melting relations in the systems Fe-S and Fe-Ni-S at high pressure and temperature
Boehler, Reinhard
The Distribution and Inventory of Stardust Grains in Primitive Solar System Materials: Implications from Isotopic, Elemental and Petrologic Studies of Meteorites and Cometary Dust
Leitner, Jan
The Inventory of Stardust Grains in the Solar Nebula - Implications from Isotopic and Petrologic Studies of Primitive Solar System Materials
Hoppe, Peter
Zipfel, Jutta
Zusammensetzung und Struktur von Silikatschmelzen des Unteren Erdmantels
Hofmann, Albrecht W.
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Aerosol-Cloud Interactions over the Southern Ocean: In-situ Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Aerosol and Cloud Residual Particles
Schneider, Johannes
Secondary organic aerosol formation and particle growth in the tropical upper troposphere: Particle composition measurements by aerosol mass spectrometry
Schneider, Johannes
Completed projects
Chemical composition, transformation, and cloud activation properties of submicron aerosol particles in the outflow of large major population centers
Borrmann, Stephan
Schneider, Johannes
Edelmetallverteilung und Re/Os-Isotopie in der Sulfidmineralisation im Bereich des TAG-Hydrothermalfeldes (ODP-Leg 158)
Herzig, Peter
Edelmetallverteilung und Re/Os-Isotopie in der Sulfidmineralisation im Bereich des TAG-Hydrothermalfeldes (ODP-Leg 158, Site 957)
Hofmann, Albrecht W.
Geochemische Kartierung der Kerguelen Large Igneous Province mit Hilfe der Edelmetalle und Os-Isotopie (ODP Leg 183)
Mezger, Klaus
High latitude aerosol and cloud residual measurements during the HALO-2020 mission CIRRUS-HL: Particle composition and interaction with cirrus clouds
Schneider, Johannes
Highly sensitive and selective measurements of NO2 on HALO
Martinez-Harder, Monica
Influence of aerosol composition on cloud formation: in-situ studies by mass spectrometric measurements onboard HALO
Curtius, Joachim
Schneider, Johannes
Isotopengeochemie von Sr, Nd, Pb, O, Os und Spurenelementanalysen an Gabbros der unteren ozeanischen Kruste (ODP Site 735b), Indischer Ozean
Hofmann, Albrecht W.
Isotopengeochemie von Sr, Nd, Pd, O, Os und Spurenelementanalysen an Gabbros der unteren ozeanischen Kruste, ODP Site 735b, Indischer Ozean
Hoefs, Jochen
Isotopen- und Spurenelementuntersuchungen an Basalten des Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP)
Hofmann, Albrecht W.
Modular instrument package for aerosol optical properties and cloud condensation nuclei activity
Pöschl, Ulrich
The geochemical evolution of Hawaiian magmatism: ODP Leg 197 drilling of the Emperor Seamounts
Hofmann, Albrecht W.
Research Grants
Completed projects
A global, multi-sensor based, water-vapor data base from ERS-2, ENVISAT and Terra/Aqua measurements for model evaluation and data assimilation
Lang, Rüdiger
Behavior of refractory metals during metal-silicate segregation in a multi-metal system.
Schwander, Daniel
Coupling of the LM and ECHAMS/MESSy for consistently investigating chemistry and transport from the global to the regional scale
Bott, Andreas
Lelieveld, Ph.D., Johannes
Wernli, Heini
Edelgase und Stickstoff in Mars-Meteoriten als Hinweise zur Entwicklung der Mars-Atmosphäre
Jochum, Klaus Peter
Estimating the production of nitrogen oxides by lightning from satellite remote sensing
Beirle, Steffen
Exploration of phase stability and low-pressure synthesis of solid nitrogen by means of atomic scake computer simulations and experiments
Albe, Karsten
Eremets, Mikhail
Geologisch-geochemische Untersuchungen zur Frage der Entstehung großer Meteoritenkonzentrationen in der Sahara am Beispiel Libyens
Schlüter, Jochen
Identification of tropospheric emissions sources from satellite observations: synergistic use of trace gas measurements of formaldehyde (HCHO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Marbach, Thierry
Impact of Organic Aerosols on Air Quality and Climate
Tsimpidi, Ph.D., Alexandra
Investigating stratospheric chlorine chemistry by SCIAMACHY measurements in limb and occulation geometry: Retrieval and intepretation of vertical OCIO profiles
Kühl, Sven
Isotopengeochemie von Os und Geochemie von Platinmetallen, Re und Au an Mantelxenolithen der Eifel
Palme, Herbert
Kernstrukturuntersuchungen an r-Prozess-Schlüsselnukliden, die Randbedingungen an die chemische Evolution und das Alter des Universums festlegen
Kratz, Karl-Ludwig
Lasermassenspektrometrische Isotopenhäufigkeitsanalyse an interstellarem Staub aus Meteoriten mittels resonanter Lasermassenspektrometrie zur Untersuchung der physikalischen Bedingungen bei der Nukleosynthese der schweren Elemente
Wendt, Klaus D.A.
Lithiumisotope planetarer Reservoire
Brey, Ph.D., Gerhard Peter
Lithiumisotopie planetarer Reservoire
Brey, Ph.D., Gerhard Peter
Lithiumisotopie planetarer Reservoire
Ott, Ulrich
Lithiumisotopie von Chondren und CAIs in kohligen und gewöhnlichen Chondriten
Brey, Ph.D., Gerhard Peter
Melt inclusions in Iceland olivines as tracers of primary mantle melt compositions
Hofmann, Albrecht W.
Messung der Fluenz der schnellen Neutronen von Hiroshima
Nolte, Eckehart
Microbial Consumption of Methanol in a Grassland
Kolb, Steffen
Nanoanalytische Untersuchungen an präsolarer Materie aus Meteoriten mittels Spektromikroskopie und nachfolgender Massenspektrometrie
Schönhense, Gerd
Nature and Scale of Mantle Heterogeneities in Upper Mantle Reservoirs: Evidence from trace element abundances and Os isotopic compositions in the Oman ophiolite
Palme, Herbert
Petrologie, Isotopengeochemie und Datierungen von Eklogitxenolithen aus Kimberliten Kanadas
Obst, Karsten
Petrologische und isotopengeochemische Untersuchung südindischer Karbonatit-Syenit-Pyroxenit-Komplexe
Schleicher, Helmut
Prävariszische Granitoid-Gerölle aus metamorphen Konglomerathorizonten des Erzgebirges: Zirkongeochronologie, Petrografie und Geochemie. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des cadomischen Unterbaues des Saxothuringikums.
Werner, Carl-Dietrich
Regular Mass Spectrometric Aerosol Particle Measurements in the Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere (AMS-CARIBIC 2)
Hermann, Markus
Systematic and comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of all Martian meteorites - TOF-SIMS investigation
Stephan, Thomas
Systematische und umfassende interdisziplinäre Analyse aller Marsmeteorite
Herpers, Ulrich
Systematische und umfassende interdisziplinäre Analyse aller Marsmeteorite
Michel, Rolf
Systematische Untersuchungen der Stoßwellenmetamorphose aller Marsmeteorite (Systematic investigation of shock metamorphism of all Martian meteorites)
Greshake, Ansgar
The lead isotope composition of the Earth´s mantle from double-spike analysis of abyssal peridotites
Regelous, Marcel
Zeitliche Entwicklung der varistischen orogenen Wurzel in Süd- und Ost-Böhmen
Hegner, Ernst Josef
Zeitliche Entwicklung der varistischen orogenen Wurzel in Süd- und Ost-Böhmen
Kröner, Alfred
Research data and software
Completed projects
Weiterentwicklung der am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie in Mainz entwickelten geochemischen Datenbank GEOROC zu einem Prototyp einer geochemischen Datenbank
Research Units
Completed projects
Composition analysis of ice particle residuals combining aerosol mass spectrometry and counterflow virtual impactor technique
Schneider, Johannes
Stratmann, Frank
How is the evolution of stratospheric ozone affected by climate change, and how strong is the feedback? (SHARP-OFC)
Burrows, John Philip
Langematz, Ulrike
Pfeilsticker, Klaus
Sinnhuber, Björn-Martin
How is the stratosphere-troposphere coupling affected by climate change, and how strong is the climate feedback? (SHARP-STC)
Dameris, Martin
Langematz, Ulrike
Schmidt, Hauke
How is the stratospheric water vapour affected by climate change, and which processes are responsible? (SHARPI-WV)
Jöckel, Patrick
Stiller, Gabriele P.
Weber, Mark
Identification, fluxes and stable isotope composition of halocarbons released from halogen rich semi-arid environments
Keppler, Frank
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Einfluss organischer Verbindungen auf die Eiskeimfähigkeit des Aerosols
(Project Heads
Moortgat, Ph.D., Geert K.
Williams, Jonathan
In Situ IN (Ice Nuclei) Measurements
(Project Heads
Bundke, Ulrich
Jaenicke, Ruprecht
Pöschl, Ulrich
Mass spectrometric in situ analysis of the chemical composition of ice nuclei and ice particle residuals
(Project Heads
Borrmann, Stephan
Curtius, Joachim
SFB 641: The Tropospheric Ice Phase - TROPICE
Borrmann, Stephan
The Influence of Ice in Deep Convection on Tropospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols
(Project Head
Lawrence, Mark G.
Current projects
Sources and processes controlling aerosol composition in the UTLS- From tropical monsoon to extratropical regions
(Project Heads
Borrmann, Stephan
Köllner, Franziska
Schneider, Johannes
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 392: Composition and Evolution of Crust and Mantle
Reischmann, Thomas
Abteilung Atmosphärenchemie
Abteilung Biogeochemie (aufgelöst)
Abteilung Klimageochemie
Abteilung Multiphasenchemie
Abteilung Partikelchemie
Forschungsgruppe Satellitenfernerkundung
Forschungsgruppe Terrestrische Paläoklimarekonstruktion
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