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SFB 881:  The Milky Way System

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2011 to 2022
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 138713538
The Milky Way, our home, is typical for galaxies in the present-day Universe in terms of its mass, size, star formation rate, and evolutionary history. Because of our position within the Milky Way, our Galaxy is a unique lab for the detailed study of the physical processes that govern galaxy evolution. Only in the Milky Way system can we conduct true Galactic archeology and use its stars as fossil tracers of its chemical and dynamical evolutionary history. Only in the Milky Way can we test predictions of cosmological models of galaxy formation in detail and study the small-scale distribution of dark matter. Only in the Milky Way can we explore the complex inter-play between star formation and the ambient gas as well as the cosmic matter cycle at highest resolution. Thanks to the successful Gaia satellite mission, numerous ongoing and forthcoming ground-based surveys, as well as to progress in theoretical modeling we are now in a golden decade of Milky Way research. Heidelberg astronomers are in an excellent position for its scientific exploitation: Due to strategic professorial appointments in theoretical and observational astronomy as well as prominent roles in the most pertinent projects on the Milky Way we are in the unique position to be able to continue the successes of the first two funding periods of the CRC and to substantially advance our understanding of the Milky Way.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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