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SFB 1064:  Chromatin Dynamics

Subject Area Biology
Term since 2013
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 213249687
The CRC explores the nature of dynamic transitions of chromatin organisation. It aims to understand principles and mechanisms that endow chromatin organisation with diversity, flexibility and plasticity to respond to environmental, metabolic and developmental cues. CRC research strives for an integrated understanding of chromatin structure and function, involving identification and biochemical characterization of enzymes and metabolites, multi-omic analyses and imaging of cells in diverse physiological states and during ontogeny of model organisms. Chromatin-based regulation relies on genome- and locus-specific chromatin organisation. We explore the chromatin landscape along the chromosomes defined by chromatin modification patterns, nucleosome remodelling, histone variants, associated proteome and polymer condensation of the chromatin fibre and how it changes during physiological and experimentally induced cell-fate transitions, nutrient availability and the DNA damage response. We observe how the three fundamental genome functions transcription, replication and maintenance of genome integrity and their unavoidable interference on the chromosome are accompanied by structural adaptation of chromatin. In this third reporting period the CRC two transversal themes provide new viewpoints and opportunities for discovery. One transversal theme can be described as ‘time lines’ in chromatin dynamics, where we consider mechanisms of reversible transitions (‘turnover’), irreversible emergence of stable states (‘trajectory’) and cyclical dynamics (‘cycle’). A second transversal theme considers various aspects of the intersections between local chromatin organisation and cell metabolism. The 23 CRC projects are led by Principal Investigators from four research organisations in Munich: the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, the Helmholtz Zentrum, the Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry and the Technical University. The research is supported by central projects on proteomics and bioinformatics. All PhD students are members of an Integrated Research Training Group.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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Participating University Technische Universität München (TUM)

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