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Universität Ulm
Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften
Institut für Molekulare Endokrinologie der Tiere
Helmholtzstraße 8/1
89081 Ulm
This institution in GERiT
89081 Ulm
Research Grants
Current projects
Glucocorticoid-coordinated regulation of satellite cells and their microenvironment in skeletal muscle
Tuckermann, Jan
(Reversible) cellular and genomic alterations induced by long-term glucocorticoid treatment
Greulich, Franziska
Vettorazzi, Sabine
Together we are stronger: Adrenal hormones in concert orchestrate the resolution of inflammation
Vettorazzi, Sabine
Completed projects
A novel function of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) in bone integrity - a potential therapeutic target to treat osteoporosis
Tuckermann, Jan
Crossing Barriers with bio-based Therapeutics
Otte, Ph.D., Kerstin
Glucocorticoids promote iron overload in immune cells and metabolic tissues
Vujic Spasic, Ph.D., Maja
Glukokortikoid-Rezeptor und PPARgamma-Mediierte Genmodulation Endotoxinaktivierter Monozyten und der Kontaktallergie in vivo
Spanbroek, Rainer
GR-AMPK - Crosstalk of Glucocorticoid Receptor and AMP-induced Kinase in macrophages during inflammation and tissue repair
Tuckermann, Jan
H-Ras, a new regulator of bone integrity - the mechanistic base of osteoporosis triggered by a constitutive active H-Ras GTPase
Cirstea, Ph.D., Ion Cristian
Tuckermann, Jan
Molecular and genetic characterization of the Sorting Nexin 10 R51Q mutation and other mutations, causing osteopetrosis in infancy in Palestinian clans
Tuckermann, Jan
Molecular functions of Shank2 and Shank3 in bone integrity and osteoporosis
Böckers, Tobias
Tuckermann, Jan
Molecular Synergism between Hormonal Signaling and Iron Homeostasis
Vujic Spasic, Ph.D., Maja
Novel anti-inflammatory mechanisms of the Glucocorticoid Receptor
Tuckermann, Jan
The ecdysteroid receptor: A key regulator in arthropod development. Inter and intra molecular receptor interactions "in vitro" and "in vivo"
Spindler-Barth, Margarethe
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Cell type specific action of glucocorticoids in inflammation and bone integrity of rheumatoid arthritis
Tuckermann, Jan
Dissecting the osteoimmunological role of dickkopf-1 in arthritis and glucocorticoidinduced bone loss
Hofbauer, Lorenz C.
Rauner, Martina
Investigation of the role of the nuclear receptor NR4a1 during bone turnover and maintenance of the hematopoietic niche in the bone marrow
Krönke, Gerhard
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5146: Defining the osteohepatic axis in the context of iron homeostasis - FerrOs
Rauner, Martina
Role of iron in bone metabolism of Hfe-hemochromatosis
Vujic Spasic, Ph.D., Maja
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High Content Analysis System
In vivo Micro Computertomograph für Kleinnager
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Glucocorticoids influence Schwann cell and macrophage responses in a mouse model of peripheral nerve injury
(Project Heads
Meyer zu Reckendorf, Sofia
Vettorazzi, Sabine
Modulation of the macrophage/adipocyte interface in age-related insulin resistance by the Glucocorticoid Receptor
(Project Heads
Gebhardt, Christof
Tuckermann, Jan
Osteoblast differentiation-stage specific mechanisms of glucocorticoid action during fracture healing
(Project Heads
Ignatius, Anita
Tuckermann, Jan
Completed projects
Effects of impaired glucocorticoid receptor function in hemorrhagic shock-induced lung injury with pre-existing cigarette smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(Project Heads
Vettorazzi, Sabine
Wepler, Martin
Effekte und Wirkmechanismen von Androgenen im arteriellen Gefäßsystem
(Project Heads
Hanke, Hartmut
Weidemann, Wolfgang
Current projects
Cell-specific activation of glucocorticoids resolves inflammatory arthritis and prevents bone resorption
(Project Heads
Baschant, Ulrike
Tuckermann, Jan
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1041: Molecular Diabetology and Endocrinology in Clinical Medicine
Böhm, Bernhard Otto
GRK 2203: Micro- and nano-scale sensor technologies for the lung
Ortmanns, Maurits
Additional Information
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