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Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Zentrum für Innere Medizin
Klinik für Innere Medizin I
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm
This institution in GERiT
89081 Ulm
Research Grants
Current projects
Association of prevalent driver mutations with regulation of sEV-release and cargo content to modulate tumor progression, metastasis and treatment resistance of pancreatic cancer.
Eiseler, Tim
Examination of the therapeutic potential of TNK1 in prevention and healing of intestinal barrier breach
Armacki, Ph.D., Milena
Mechanisms of pancreatic cancer cell resistance to T cell-mediated cytotoxicity
Lin, Ph.D., Yuan-Na
Spatio-temporal deletion of the Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated kinase (Atm) to dissect pancreatic cancer heterogeneity
Perkhofer, Lukas
Completed projects
1. "Role of dendritic cells in induction or prevention of colitogenic CD4 T cell responses" and 2. "Priming tolerogenic and colitogenic CD4 T cells in the murine gut"
Frick, Julia-Stefanie
Niess, Jan-Hendrik
Apoptose-auslösenden Mechanismen der Tyrosinkinase TNK1: Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Signalkontextes und möglicher Einsatz in der Tumortherapie
Seufferlein, Thomas
Bedeutung von Proteinkinase D (PKD)/Proteinkinase Cmy (PKCmy) und Proteinkinase D2 (PKD2) für Proliferation, Differenzierung und Transformation von Colonepithelien GEM mit WO 685/9-1, -/9-2
Seufferlein, Thomas
Die Rolle der Netzwerk-Morphologie für die Regulation viskoelastischer Eigenschaften des Keratin-Zytoskeletts in Zellen Pankreaskarzinoms
Beil, Michael
Marti, Othmar
Schmidt, Volker
Walther, Paul
Exploring Foxp3+ CD4+ Treg cell-stimulating vaccines to inhibit preproinsulin-specific effector CD8+ T cells and autoimmune diabetes
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Exploring immune modulating strategies to restore antiviral effector functions of intrahepatic CD8 T cells
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Funktion des IL-20R2 in antigenspezifischen T-Zell Antworten und der Delayed-Type Hypersensitivitätsreaktion der Haut
Oswald, Franz
Funktionelle Charakterisierung des neuen RNA bindenden Proteins KOC in Embryogenese und Kanzerogenese
Müller-Pillasch, Friederike
Hepatozellulärer Phosphatidylcholin- und Cholesterintransport in die Galle
Fuchs, Michael
Immunogenicity of recombinant chaperone-complexed antigens
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Intrahepatic T cell responses to hepatotropic viruses in transgenic mice with inducible viral gene expression in the liver
Wirth, Dagmar
Investigation of the transcriptional regulation of the Na+/I-symporter (NIS) gene in view of its use in radioiodine therapy of thyroid cancer
Loos, Ulrich
Isolierung und funktionelle Charakterisierung des RBP-Jk/SHARP abhängigen Repressorkomplexes im Notch Signaltransduktionsweg
Oswald, Franz
Liver-specific gene inactivation and analysis of gene clusters employing a mouse model of cholesterol gallstone disease
Fuchs, Michael
Modulation lokaler Immunreaktionen in der Leber durch IL-10 homologe Zytokine
Wegenka, Ursula
Priming specific, murine CD8+ T cell responses by complexes of cationic/ antigenic fusion peptides with nucleic acids
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Probing complex assembly and dynamics of the transcription factor RBPJ by live cell single-molecule microscopy
Gebhardt, Christof
Oswald, Franz
Regulation kolitogener CD4+ T-Zellreaktionen in der Darmmukosa monokolonisierter Mäuse
Reimann, Jörg
Regulation of protein transport and neuroendocrine secretion by the ARF1-PKD complex at the Trans-Golgi network
Seufferlein, Thomas
Sinz, Andrea
Regulation und Modulation der unspezifischen und spezifischen Immunität in der murinen Leber durch das Hepatitis C Virus core Protein
Wegert, Mona
Rekonstitution anti-viraler CD8 T Zellimmunität im präklinischen Modell der chronischen HBV Infektion durch Immunisierung mit natürlichen Antigenvarianten
Riedl, Petra
Restoring the functionality of the old immune system by rejuvenation of aged hematopoietic stem cells
Geiger, Hartmut
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Role of Protein Kinase D1 in the regulation of endothelial permeability after blunt chest trauma.
Eiseler, Tim
Roles of Protein Kinase D2 during actin-driven vesicle scission at the Trans-Golgi-network (TGN).
Eiseler, Tim
Rolle der Protein Kinase D Isoenzyme bei der Regulation von Zell-Zell- und Zell-Matrix-Interaktionen, welche die Progression von Pankreas Tumoren beeinflussen
Eiseler, Tim
Specific CD8+ T cell immunity in the murine liver
Reimann, Jörg
Synthese, Struktur und physikalische Eigenschaft von Keratin-Polymeren und -Netzwerken
Beil, Michael
Herrmann, Harald
Langowski, Jörg
Marti, Othmar
Walther, Paul
The role of lsc/p115-RhoGEF-regulated pathways for development and function of the enteric nervous system in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Zizer, Eugen
The role of PKD2 in HSP90,- hypoxia- and TGF beta-mediated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and metastasis
Azoitei, Ninel
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Apoptose-auslösende Mechanismen der Tyrosinkinase TNK1: Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Signalkontexts und möglicher Einsatz in der Tumortherapie
Seufferlein, Thomas
Die Regulation muriner, anti-viraler CD8+ T-Zellantworten mit fortschreitendem Alter
Reimann, Jörg
Die Regulation muriner CD8+ T-Zellantworten mit fortschreitendem Alter
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Endo-Radiotherapie-basierte Konzepte für neuroendokrine Tumoren
Karges, Wolfram
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Allogenic micobiota-reconstitution (AMR) for the treatment of patients with diarhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) - the AMIRA trial
Seufferlein, Thomas
Research data and software
Completed projects
Implementation of interfaces for the standardization of national database systems for alveolar echinococcosis and their transformation processes
Kratzer, Wolfgang
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Clearance of Senescent Cells by Rejuvenation of the Aged Immune System
(Project Heads
Krizhanovsky, Ph.D., Valery
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Notch/NF-KB crosstalk at the aging synapse: Role of inflammaging on cognitive decline
(Project Heads
Baumann, Bernd
Oswald, Franz
Therapeutic targeting of small extracellular vesicle (sEV) release and uptake in post-traumatic hyper-inflammation
(Project Head
Seufferlein, Thomas
Completed projects
Bedeutung der NFAT-Transkriptionsfaktoren für das phänotypische Verhalten des Pankreaskarzinoms
(Project Heads
Ellenrieder, Volker
Oswald, Franz
CCK-induzierte Mechanismen der F-Aktin-Regulation in der Azinuszelle
(Project Heads
Beil, Michael
Lutz, Manfred
Functional Characterization of Autoreactive T Cells in Type 1 Diabetes mellitus
(Project Heads
Böhm, Bernhard Otto
Rosinger, Silke
Identification of the subcellular localization and cellular targets of protein kinase D2, a novel protein kinase overexpressed in pancreatic cancer.
(Project Head
Seufferlein, Thomas
Induction and control of autoreactive, preproinsulin-specific CD8 T cells in transgene mouse models of typ 1 diabetes
(Project Heads
Böhm, Bernhard Otto
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
Isolierung und funktionelle Charakterisierung des RBP-Jk/SHARP abhängigen Repressorkomplexes im Notch Signaltranduktionsweg
(Project Head
Oswald, Franz
Molecular analysis of NF-KappaB- induced acute pancreatitis and of the pan creatitis induced fibrosis
(Project Heads
Baumann, Bernd
Wagner, Martin
Molecular characterization of acinar-ductal metaplasie in TGF-alpha transgenic mice
(Project Head
Wagner, Martin
Notch signaling as a novel target of AML/ETO
(Project Heads
Geiger, Hartmut
Oswald, Franz
On the role of EMMPRIN and its interaction with pancreatic stellate cells in fibrogenesis und tumor desmoplasia
(Project Heads
Bachem, Max G.
Schneiderhan, Wilhelm
Regulation of endocrine and neuroendocrine secretion in the pancreas by the protein kinase D family
(Project Heads
Seufferlein, Thomas
Walther, Paul
von Wichert, Götz Peter
Regulation of the viscoelastic properties of the keratin cytoskeleton in pancreatic carcinoma cells
(Project Heads
Beil, Michael
Marti, Othmar
Targeting CXCR4 signaling to eliminate metastatic cancer stem cells in pancreatic cancer
(Project Head
Hermann, Patrick C.
The role of the RBP-J(kappa) dependent corepressor protein CtIP in pancreatic development and differentiation
(Project Head
Oswald, Franz
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Hochdurchsatz-Screening Laser-Raster Mikroskop
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Cancer cell subpopulation and host crosstalk during metastasis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)
Lin, Ph.D., Yuan-Na
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 460: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Concepts in Molecular Medicine
Lehmann-Horn, Frank
GRK 1041: Molecular Diabetology and Endocrinology in Clinical Medicine
Böhm, Bernhard Otto
GRK 1789: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Aging (CEMMA)
Geiger, Hartmut
GRK 2254: Heterogeneity and evolution in solid tumors (HEIST): Molecular characterization and therapeutic consequences
Seufferlein, Thomas
Additional Information
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