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Universitätsklinikum Münster
Institut für Immunologie
Röntgenstraße 21
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Clinician Scientist CareerS Münster
Schäfers, Michael
Completed projects
Aufklärung der durch S100A8/A9 induzierten Entzündungsreaktionen in humanen Endothelzellen
Viemann, Dorothee
Cellular and molecular analysis of chronic mucocutaneons candidosis: cloning of causative genetic defects
Los, Marek
Die Bedeutung des granulozytären Proteins S100A12 in Entzündungen: Sekretion, Rezeptorbindung und pro-inflammatorische Effekte
Föll, Dirk
Die funktionelle Charakterisierung des Scavengerrezeptors CD163
Roth, Johannes
Die Rolle der Calzium-bindenden Proteine S100A8 und S100A9 in der Tubulin-vermittelten Zellmotilität in Phagozyten
Vogl, Ph.D., Thomas
Molekulare Analyse von murinen CD11C+ dendritischen Zellen in Milz und Lymphknoten nach systemischer Haptenisierung
Macher, Egon
S100A8/A9 als spezifisches Target für optische molekulare Bildgebung von Entzündung in vivo - erste Validierung von Tracer und Methode
Eisenblätter, Michel
Stress signaling in the interaction between innate and adaptive immunity in Multiple Sclerosis
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Roth, Johannes
The role of calcium-binding proteins MRP8 and MRP14 during cellular dynamics in phagocytes.
Roth, Johannes
Wirkung von Immunsuppressiva auf Monozyten anhand der Differenzierungsantigene MRP8, MRP14 und RM3/1: Bedeutung für die Pathogenese und Therapie entzündlicher Nierenerkrankungen
Roth, Johannes
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 342: Organ Dysfuncion During Systemic Inflammation
Zarbock, Alexander
Completed projects
Effects of the Alarmin S100A8/A9 on the Platelet and Neutrophil Response during Pulmonary Inflammation
Rossaint, Jan
Vogl, Ph.D., Thomas
Immune System variables in healthy subjects and during systemic inflammation
Klotz, Luisa
Rossaint, Jan
Roth, Johannes
Myeloid differentiation in systemic inflammation
Barczyk-Kahlert, Ph.D., Katarzyna
Roth, Johannes
WBP Position
Completed projects
S100 induced regulation of the immune system in auto-inflammatory diseases
Berger, Philipp
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Metabolic priming of monocytes during inflammation in vivo
(Project Heads
Roth, Johannes
Schäfers, Michael
Phagocyte responses during apoptotic cell clearance in the resolution of inflammation
(Project Head
Alonso Gonzalez, Noelia
Targeting S100A8/S100A9 induced MDSCs in inflammatory disorders
(Project Heads
Hermann, Sven
Vogl, Ph.D., Thomas
Completed projects
Central Tasks - Management and Public Relations
(Project Head
Roth, Johannes
DAMP-induced proinflammatory feedback mechanisms between phagocytes and endothelial / epithelial barriers in infectious diseases
(Project Head
Vogl, Ph.D., Thomas
Dermal stress response and barrier integrity in allergy and autoimmune diseases
(Project Head
Roth, Johannes
Die Regulation endothelialer Funktionen durch die Phagozyten-spezifischen S100-Proteine S100A8 und S100A9.
(Project Head
Roth, Johannes
Funktionelle Charakterisierung der kalziumbindenden Proteine MRP8 und MRP14 während der Interaktion von Monozyten mit dem Endothel
(Project Heads
Harms, Erik
Roth, Johannes
Interaction of macrophages with cell matrix niches in lymphoid organs
(Project Head
Alonso Gonzalez, Noelia
Non-invasive imaging, cell tracking and functional analyses at cellular barriers
(Project Heads
Faber, Cornelius
Loser, Karin
Roth, Johannes
Phänotypische Analyse einer MRP14(-/-)"knock out"-Maus
(Project Heads
Nacken, Wolfgang
Sorg, Clemens
SFB 1009: Breaking Barriers - Immune Cells and Pathogens at Cell/Matrix Barriers
Peters, Georg
Roth, Johannes
Current projects
Innate immune memory of neutrophils during inflammation
(Project Head
Roth, Johannes
Phagocytic crosstalk between neutrophils and macrophages in rheumatoid arthritis
(Project Heads
Alonso Gonzalez, Noelia
Grüneboom, Anika
Role of S100A8/A9 dimers and tetramers in the regulation of neutrophil dynamics in chronic inflammation
(Project Heads
Hermann, Sven
Vogl, Ph.D., Thomas
Completed projects
Detecting and deciphering Staphylococcus aureus strategies that cause chronic and persistent infections
(Project Heads
Löffler, Bettina
Peters, Georg
Roth, Johannes
Molecular interactions of Staphylococcus aureus with professional phagocytes
(Project Heads
Barczyk-Kahlert, Ph.D., Katarzyna
Roth, Johannes
The role of phagocyte-specific stress signaling for inflammatory processes in Multiple Sclerosis
(Project Head
Roth, Johannes
Research Units
Completed projects
Therapeutic implications and pathophysiological role of calprotectin in acute kidney injury
Schmidt-Ott, Kai
Westhoff, Timm H.
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia
Additional Information
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