Project Details
SPP 1505: Mediatised Worlds: Communication in the Medial and Social Change
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
from 2010 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 131502115
The Priority Programme assumes that peoples lives and experiences increasingly take place in mediatised worlds. This concept describes spheres of activity and social worlds, in which the relevant forms of social practices and cultural sense-giving have entangled themselves inseparably with the media. Mediatised worlds are concretised in public and political spheres but also in everyday life, social and gender relationships, gainful employment and consumption, social institutions and labour organisations. In the German as well as increasingly in the English and Scandinavian fields of science, the term mediatisation describes a comprehensive development process similar to globalisation and individualisation, namely the increasing influence media communication has on culture and society. Taking into consideration the technical aspects of mediatisation, the current mediatised worlds as well as their conditions, forms of expression and consequences for social coexistence will be pervaded theoretically and investigated empirically. Currently, only selective sociological empirical studies and research approaches are presented in these fields. These are theoretically not complex enough and are narrowed down to specific questions. Moreover, new questions constantly arise in view of the fast developments. Currently, for example, new forms of communicative actions in the so called Web 2.0 are investigated. Considering the social relevance of the research field, a stronger, integrated and interdisciplinary procedure seems to be necessary. On this basis, new comprehensive questions can be developed in an international framework, and they can be investigated systematically with partially new methods. In addition, corresponding theories can be worked out. The knowledge gained by the Priority Programme will be passed on to civil society, governmental and economic instances.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
- Coordination of the Priority Program 1505 "Mediatized Worlds (Applicant Krotz, Friedrich )
- Das kommerzielle Potenzial der Produktion von Gemeinschaft: Mediatisierung als Geschäftsmodell (Applicant Pfadenhauer, Michaela )
- Die qualitative Langzeituntersuchung der Mediatisierung sozialer Beziehungen: Erprobung und Optimierung des Verfahrens (Applicant Krotz, Friedrich )
- Mash-Up-Medien: Perspektiven der Netzkultur im 21. Jahrhundert (Applicant Rusch, Gebhard )
- Mediatization as Business Model III: Counterdrafts and Turning Points in the Process of Mediatization (Applicant Pfadenhauer, Michaela )
- Mediatized media reception: The case of fictional entertainment programmes on German television (Applicant Göttlich, Udo )
- Modding and Editor-Games. Participative Practices of Mediatized Worlds (Applicant Beil, Benjamin )
- Numerische Inklusion. Medien, Messungen und gesellschaftlicher Wandel (Applicant Sutter, Tilmann )
- Online-Spiel-Räume - Fernsehunterhaltung - Lokale Kartenrunden: Zur Korrelation von medientechnischen Innovationen und globalem Poker-Fieber (Applicant Hitzler, Ronald )
- Political Deliberation on the Internet: Forms and Functions of Digital Discourse Based on the Microblogging System Twitter (Applicant Thimm, Caja )
- Rezeption und Produktion von Information durch Jugendliche in der konvergenten Medienwelt (Applicant Theunert, Helga )
- Scopic Media: Synthetic Actors, Institutions and Variations of Synthetic Situations (Applicant Knorr Cetina, Karin )
- Series as Reflection and Projection of Change (Applicants Engell, Lorenz ; Schröter, Jens )
- Survey Musik und Medien. Empirische Basisdaten und theoretische Modellierung der Mediatisierung alltäglicher Musikrezeption in Deutschland (Applicant Lepa, Steffen )
- The communicative construction of communitization within mediatized worlds: Horizons and challenges of middle agers' mediatized community building in media generational comparison (Applicant Hepp, Andreas )
- The Media Practice of Parliamentary Discourses: Ethnographic Comparisons of Fabrications and Utilizations of Political Positions (Applicant Scheffer, Thomas )
- The Mediatization of Gambling III: The Example of Individual Investors (Applicant Hitzler, Ronald )
- The Mediatization of German Forensics: Activated audience and private entrepreneurs as stakeholders in the forensics market (Applicant Reichertz, Jo )
- The mediatization of parent-child-relations in transnational migration. A comparative study of the articulation of embodied and mediated care and education practices (Applicant Greschke, Heike )
- The Mediatized Home (III): Contrasting Household Studies on Drivers of Dynamic Mediatization (Applicant Röser, Jutta )
- Theoretische Fundierung und empirische Analyse von Mediatisierungsprozessen in schulischen Organisationswelten (Applicant Breiter, Andreas )
Professor Dr. Friedrich Krotz