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  • Newly published projects in February 2024

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Results 1 to 50 out of 496 on 10 pages
Research Area Chemistry
DFG Programme DIP Programme Term Since 2024
Applicant Johann-Christoph Jann
Subject Area Hematology, Oncology
DFG Programme WBP Return Grant Term in 2024
Applicants Thomas Grützner ,  Jens-Uwe Repke
Subject Area Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
A large part of the energy consumption in the process industry is consumed in thermal separation units, especially distillation or desorption columns. ... 


Project Heads Kerstin Kaufmann ,  Uwe Ohler ,  Philip Anthony Wigge
Subject Area Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
Subproject of SFB 1644
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
A8 (Kaufmann, Wigge, Ohler) investigates the molecular basis of cell-type specific plastic responses to temperature and nitrogen supply, including cellular ... 


Applicants Hagen Holthusen ,  Stefanie Reese
Subject Area Applied Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics
Subproject of FOR 5492
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2024
The virtual element method (VEM) has established itself in recent years as an alternative to the finite element method (FEM). The main advantage of the method ... 


Leader Eva Schwenzfeier-Hellkamp
Subject Area Measurement Systems
DFG Programme Major Instrumentation Initiatives Term Since 2024
In the Department of Engineering and Mathematics at Bielefeld University, several institutes and research groups are working on the investigation and ... 


Applicant Annika Raatz
Subject Area Production Automation and Assembly Technology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Modern production systems are exposed to a variety of requirements with regard to variant flexibility and planning uncertainties, as well as an increased cost ... 


Applicant Robin Lienkämper
Subject Area Human Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2024
Invasive Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) aim to improve the quality of life of severely paralyzed people by decoding movement intentions from brain signals ... 


Applicant Lisa Freitag
Subject Area Glass, Ceramics and Derived Composites
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2024
The goal of this project is to develop high-precision investment casting molds based on calcium zirconate (CaZrO3) by means of direct additive manufacturing ... 


Project Head Claus Cursiefen
Research Area Medicine
Subproject of SFB 1607
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
Project Head Carsten Urbach
Research Area Physics
Subproject of SFB 1639
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
Applicant Emanuele Bevacqua ( in cooperation with Giuseppe Zappa, Flavio Lehner, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Erich Markus Fischer, Yann Quilcaille )
Subject Area Atmospheric Science
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2024
Climate and weather impacts typically result from compound events (CEs), which are multivariate combinations of climatic drivers and/or hazards. For example, a  


Applicant Theresa Stankoweit
Subject Area Art History
DFG Programme Publication Grants Term Since 2024
Topic of this publication is the habitat diorama, a natural history display in which taxidermically prepared animals are presented in a designed landscape ... 


Leader Matthias Funken
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2024
The Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg (JMU) is a node in the AI network of the Free State of Bavaria within the framework of the Hightech Agenda ... 


Applicants Thomas Frodl ,  Ute Habel ( together with Joachim Behar )
Subject Area Biological Psychiatry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Depression is among the most frequent psychiatric disorders. Due to its relative frequency, complications, comorbidity, and consequences, depression has an ... 


Project Head Ingo Staack
Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Subproject of TRR 364
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios Term Since 2024
The project addresses an essential goal of SynTrac, namely the efficient combination of all disciplines involved to enable holistic optimization of the ... 


Applicant Christian Scheideler
Subject Area Theoretical Computer Science
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
In 2014, we proposed the amoebot model for the rigorous algorithmic study of programmable matter. Since then, the model has gained considerable momentum, but ... 


Applicant Frank Breher
Subject Area Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The aim of this project is to establish novel and so far only sporadically studied intramolecular Al/C- and Ga/C-based ambiphiles. Beyond the systems known ... 


Applicant Nicolaas K. Michiels
Subject Area Systematics and Morphology (Zoology)
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The 6th mass extinction is happening, but who is watching? In addition to scientists, it is enthusiasts who contribute to Citizen Science databases. Many ... 


Applicants Christoph Hartmann ,  Tim C. Lüth ,  Wolfram Volk
Subject Area Primary Shaping and Reshaping Technology, Additive Manufacturing
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
A free-form bending machine makes it possible to form tubes and profiles into 3D geometries by means of a moveable bending head (5 or 6 degrees of freedom). A ... 


Applicant Julia Meisters
Subject Area Personality Psychology, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methodology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Dishonest responses jeopardize the validity of direct surveys on sensitive topics. Indirect survey techniques guarantee confidentiality through randomization ... 


Applicants Wilhelm Blümer ,  Rebekka Schirner
Subject Area Greek and Latin Philology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The Histories of Gregory of Tours are among the most important literary testimonies and historical sources for the transition period from Late Antiquity to the  


Applicant Elisabeth Schramm
Subject Area Personality Psychology, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methodology
DFG Programme Clinical Trials Term Since 2024
Depressive disorders are highly prevalent at the workplace and have a major impact on social and occupational functioning and on sick leave of depressed ... 


Project Heads Jan C. Aurich ,  Sophie Fellenz ,  Marius Kloft
Subject Area Data Management, Data-Intensive Systems, Computer Science Methods in Business Informatics
Subproject of TRR 375
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios Term Since 2024
This project leverages deep learning (DL) for dynamic process parameter adaptation in L-DED when manufacturing HyPo-components. It involves investigating ... 


Project Heads Ulf-G. Meißner ,  Deborah Rönchen
Subject Area Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Subproject of SFB 1639
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
The goal of this project is to determine the spectrum of baryon resonances which encodes the key to understand the strong force at medium energies. The ... 


Applicant Anja Worrich
Subject Area Soil Sciences
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2024
Humanity faces the enormous challenge of increasing agricultural productivity for a rapidly growing population while reducing the ecological footprint on our ... 


Applicant Bernd Simeon
Subject Area Mathematics
Subproject of FOR 5492
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2024
This project aims at developing the theoretical underpinnings and the algorithmic machinery for adaptive numerical methods in the context of polytopal meshes ... 


Applicant Julia Velten
Subject Area Personality Psychology, Clinical and Medical Psychology, Methodology
DFG Programme Clinical Trials Term Since 2024
Hypoactive sexual desire dysfunction (HSDD), characterized by a clinically significant reduction or absence of sexual desire, is one of the most common sexual ... 


Applicants Oliver Alexander Nelle ,  Ingrid Stelzner ,  Harald Stäuble ,  Ulrich Veit ( in cooperation with Giovanna Di Pietro )
Subject Area Prehistory and World Archaeology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The inner and outer bark of trees, and objects made from them, played a central role in the daily lives of prehistoric people. Their study is key to ... 


Project Heads Aline Bozec ,  Ulrike Schleicher
Subject Area Immunology
Subproject of TRR 369
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios Term Since 2024
Project B05 wants to test the ability of arginine and its metabolites to inhibit osteoclastogenesis and block inflammatory bone loss. Our goal is to elucidate ... 


Applicant Stefanie Linnhoff
Subject Area Human Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Fatigue is a common and debilitating symptom among individuals with neurological disorders, particularly multiple sclerosis (MS). It significantly reduces ... 


Applicants Mark Bartholomä ,  Bernd Bufe
Subject Area Pharmacy
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Target-specific radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) or single photon emission computed tomography ... 


Applicant Mathias Franz
Subject Area Evolution, Anthropology
Subproject of FOR 5026
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2024
In the proposed project I aim to conduct theoretical studies on how tripartite interactions between the hosts, its microbiota and pathogens affect pathogen ... 


Project Heads Jörg Behler ,  Christian Jooss ,  Simone Techert
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Subproject of SFB 1633
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
The project aims at unravelling the mechanism of electro-/photochemically driven water oxidation with (doped) ZnO catalsts and developing predictors and tuning  


Project Head Frank Neese
Subject Area Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure, Dynamics, Simulation
Subproject of SFB 1639
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
This project aims to achieve large-scale implementations of many-body electronic structure theories using automatic code generation. This development aims at ... 


Applicant Carolin Birk
Subject Area Applied Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics
Subproject of FOR 5492
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2024
The proposed project addresses the numerical modeling of both intergranular and transgranular fracture phenomena in brittle polycrystalline material. Such ... 


Applicants Agnes Flöel ,  Stephan J. Sigrist
Subject Area Cognitive, Systems and Behavioural Neurobiology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that leads to devastating cognitive impairment. To date, the complex pathophysiology ... 


Applicant Federico Pailos
Subject Area Theoretical Philosophy
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
In spite of the central role played by the traditional view of a logic as a language plus a consequence relation, understood as a set of (valid) inferences, as  


Applicant Thomas Krödel ( in cooperation with Vera Hoffmann-Kolss )
Subject Area Theoretical Philosophy
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
In recent years, causal models have emerged as the dominant tool for capturing complex causal structures. Initially developed as a formal method for analyzing ... 


Applicant Christoph Hackl ( in cooperation with Felix Rojas Lobos )
Subject Area Electrical Energy Systems, Power Management, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
We propose to introduce and apply BNNs to power electronic systems for the very first time, in particular to Modular Multilevel Cascade Converters (MMCCs) for ... 


Applicants Dirk Hölscher ,  Holger Kreft ( in cooperation with Bambang Irawan, Leti Sundawati, Buchori Damayanti )
Subject Area Ecology and Biodiversity of Plants and Ecosystems
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The large-scale conversion of tropical lowland rainforest into landscapes dominated by monocultures of oil palm has led to significant losses in biodiversity ... 


Applicant Kannan Balasubramanian ( in cooperation with Frank Crespilho )
Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The edge of graphene has long attracted special attention due to its distinct physical and chemical properties in contrast to the graphitic basal plane. ... 


Applicant Ulrich Glebe
Subject Area Polymer Materials
DFG Programme Heisenberg Grants Term Since 2024
The precondition for a Heisenberg Programme funding is high scientific quality and originality of the research project at international level and suitability ... 


Project Heads Birgit Stammberger ,  Heiko Stoff
Subject Area History of Science
Subproject of SFB 1665
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
This project considers the history of science and feminist science studies, assuming that knowledge of sex development is not an issue for the life sciences ... 


Applicant Ulrich Schmölcke ( together with Yevheniia Yanish )
Subject Area Prehistory and World Archaeology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Camel remains are a very rare group of finds in European archaeology. Initial, mostly regional mapping indicates a focal distribution of the comparatively few ... 


Applicant Patrick Nimax
Subject Area Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2024
Photocatalysed reactions have gained interest due to a shift towards a transition to greener societies and energy sources. With high energy prices impacting ... 


Applicants Dirk Hölscher ,  Alexander Knohl ( in cooperation with Hendrayanto Hendrayanto, Tania June, Bambang Irawan )
Subject Area Ecology and Biodiversity of Plants and Ecosystems
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Tropical rainforests play a highly important role in climate regulation. In addition to widely acknowledged carbon-based regulation relatively recently also ... 


Project Heads Isabel Viola Frielitz-Wagner ,  Jens Mittag
Subject Area Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolism
Subproject of SFB 1665
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2024
The PIs will employ the same mouse models (TFM and CYP17KI) as used in project M01 and look at post-natal development. In this project an extensive phenotyping  


Applicant Rupert Schaab
Subject Area General and Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
DFG Programme Cataloguing and Digitisation Term Since 2024
In 1993, the state of Baden-Württemberg acquired the manuscript collection of the Fürstlich Fürstenbergische Hofbibliothek in Donaueschingen. The extensive ... 


Applicants Andreas Rillig ,  Götz Thomalla
Subject Area Clinical Neurology; Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The published data on atrial fibrillation (AF), brain perfusion and brain biomarkers suggests an association between AF, structural brain damage, reduced brain  



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