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Universitätsklinikum Aachen, AÖR
Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Stoffwechselerkrankungen und
Internistische Intensivmedizin (Med. Klinik III)
Pauwelsstraße 30
52074 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52074 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Mechanisms controlling pro-inflammatory mast cell functions and implications for chronic liver disease and cancer
Huber, Michael
Liedtke, Christian
Meurer, Steffen Klaus
Weiskirchen, Ralf
Ultrasound-controlled Cancer Immunotherapy using DNA Nanostructures
Herrmann, Andreas
Ultrasound-guided intrahepatic release of therapeutic nucleic acids for treatment of inflammatory liver disease
Bartneck, Ph.D., Matthias
Completed projects
Antigen-spezifische Erkennung von intestinalen Kommensalen durch regulatorische und Effektor- T Zellen
Sellge, Gernot
Charakterisierung der durch chemotaktische Moleküle vermittelten intrahepatischen Immunregulation im Rahmen der murinen Leberfibrogenese
Wasmuth, Hermann E.
Einfluss von Chaperonen und oxidativem Stress auf Mallorykörperentstehung
Strnad, Pavel
Modulation of Peritoneal Macrophage Differentiation and Function for Prophylaxis of Complications in Decompensated Cirrhosis
Bruns, Tony
Molekulare Analyse zur Rolle von Cyclin E für den G0/S-Phase Zellzyklusübergang und die maligne Transformation der Hepatozyten
Liedtke, Christian
Platelets as initiators and mediators of liver fibrosis
Sahin, Hacer
Significance of IL-6 and TNF-alpha for regeneration matrix remodelling after toxic liver damage and partial hepatectomy
Siewert, Elmar
The effect of cell specific deletion of endoglin (CD105), a transmembrane auxiliary receptor for TGF-beta, on murine models of liver fibrosis
Scholten, David
The impact of Cyclin E1 in alcohol-induced organ disease and carcinogenesis within the Gut-liver axis
Nevzorova, Ph.D., Yulia
Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma through targeted inhibition of the cell cycle mediators Cyclin E1 and Cdk2 in mouse models
Liedtke, Christian
The role of keratins in the liver
Strnad, Pavel
The role of the PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism for adipose tissue function in health and disease
Hatting, Maximilian
Thrombozyten und deren assoziierte Chemokine als Initiatoren und Modulatoren der biliären Entzündung
Wasmuth, Hermann E.
Translational studies of the induction and functional role of Th2 polarized CD4+ T-cells in chronic liver damage and hepatic fibrogenesis
Zimmermann, Henning
Untersuchungen zur Funktion und Regulation der Gallensäuren ß-Glucosidase beim Menschen
Matern, Siegfried
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Charakterisierung Hepatitis C spezifischer CD8+ T-Zellen aus perpherem Blut und der Leber mittels Multicolor Flow Cytometry und Microarray RNA Transkriptionsanalyse
Kroy, Daniela
Die Bedeutung der zellulären Immunität bei der Shigellose
Sellge, Gernot
Human Cytomegalovirus Infection of Human Hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells Modulates T Cell Recruitment into the Liver
Bruns, Tony
The impact of the CXC chemokine CXCL13 mediated B lymphocyte recruitment on the development and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma
Berres, Marie-Luise
The role of Cdc-like kinase 2 (Clk2) in hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism
Hatting, Maximilian
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Genesis and consequences of inborn and acquired alterations of hepatocellular keratin architecture
Strnad, Pavel
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Consequences of desmoglein 2 loss for organization and function of intestinal epithelial junctions
Strnad, Pavel
Relevance of ferroptosis and its therapeutic potential during acute liver injury and hepatocellular carcinoma formation
Otto, Tobias
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Epithelial biology of digestive disorders
Strnad, Pavel
Completed projects
Defining HGF/c-Met dependent diagnostic markers and novel therapeutic targets in NASH-development
(Project Heads
Kroy, Daniela
Streetz, Konrad Ludwig
Zimmermann, Henning
Iron and a1-antitrypsin accumulation as hepatocellular initiators of liver fibrosis
(Project Head
Strnad, Pavel
Targeting MIF family proteins in liver fibrosis: Mechanisms and translational approaches
(Project Heads
Bernhagen, Jürgen
Berres, Marie-Luise
The CXCR3/CXCL9 chemokine system as an antifibrotic target in murine liver fibrosis
(Project Head
Wasmuth, Hermann E.
The effect of cell-specific deletion of Endoglin (CD105), a transmembrane auxiliary receptor for TGF-ß, on murine models of liver fibrosis
(Project Head
Scholten, David
Treatment of liver fibrosis through inhibition of the Cyclin E1/Cdk2 kinase complex
(Project Heads
Liedtke, Christian
Nevzorova, Ph.D., Yulia
Trautwein, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
A population-based approach to diet-microbiota interactions that drive liver diseases
(Project Head
Schneider, Carolin Victoria
Dendritic cells as cellular targets of gut-liver communication regulating therapy induced HCC as well as CRC liver metastasis regression
(Project Head
Berres, Marie-Luise
Functional impact of risk factors for disease progression within the gut-liver axis
(Project Heads
Candels, Lena
Trautwein, Christian
Integrated Research Training Group ‘Gut-Liver Axis’
(Project Heads
Hornef, Mathias Walter
Liedtke, Christian
Peritoneal immune states link gut and liver pathology in cirrhosis
(Project Heads
Bruns, Tony
Vehreschild, Maria J G T
The role of proteotoxic stress in the gut-liver axis
(Project Heads
Güldiken, Nurdan
Strnad, Pavel
Tissue regeneration as a critical component of gut‐liver homeostasis
(Project Head
Liedtke, Christian
Completed projects
Multi-functional microgels targeted towards inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
(Project Heads
Elling, Lothar
Kühne, Alexander
Sellge, Gernot
Strnad, Pavel
Trautwein, Christian
The Role of TNF and Fas-mediated signalling in models of inflammatory liver injury
(Project Heads
Liedtke, Christian
Trautwein, Christian
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
HSD17B13 and MARC1 - Understanding genetic protection from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Schneider, Carolin Victoria
The Role of Antimicrobial Peptides in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Spivak, Igor
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Covered transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt versus optimezed medical treatment for the secondary prevention of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis
Sauerbruch, Tilman
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2375: Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery
Kiessling, Fabian
Additional Information
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