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Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Fachbereich Physik, Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre
55099 Mainz
This institution in GERiT
55099 Mainz
Research Grants
Current projects
Flow Past a Steep Mountain: Testing Hypotheses by Combining Numerical Simulations with Observations
Wirth, Volkmar
Interannual variability and formation mechanism of the Asian tropopause aerosol layer and its global impact
Borrmann, Stephan
Vogel, Bärbel
Long-lived greenhouse gases in the extra-tropical tropopause region
Schuck, Tanja
modellinG-sateLlite-Aircraft approaCh for cIrrus Advanced characTErization
Miltenberger, Annette
Rolf, Christian
Completed projects
An Automated Aerosol Mass Spectrometer for the Regular Chemical Characterization of Aerosol Particles in the Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere(AMS-CARIBIC)
Borrmann, Stephan
Wiedensohler, Alfred
ATMOCHEM - POllution: MODeling and ObseRvatiOns (POMODORO)
Hoor, Peter
Banner Cloud Dynamics: Steps Towards a Theory and Simulations With Realistic Orography
Wirth, Volkmar
Coupling of the LM and ECHAMS/MESSy for consistently investigating chemistry and transport from the global to the regional scale
Bott, Andreas
Lelieveld, Ph.D., Johannes
Wernli, Heini
Dynamik orografischer Bannerwolken
Wirth, Volkmar
Experimental and numerical investigation of collision induced and spontaneous raindrop breakup for forecasting and nowcasting of precipitation
Seifert, Axel
Szakáll, Miklós
Gravity Waves and Trace Gas Mixing in the Arctic Winter Tropopause Region
Hoor, Peter
Laboratory studies of the form and oscillations towards breakup of falling raindrops in the Mainz Vertical Wind Tunnel and holographic field measurements of microphysical precipitation properties
Borrmann, Stephan
Laboruntersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung atmosphärischer Spurengase mit Eisoberflächen
Jaeschke, Wolfgang
Laboruntersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung atmosphärischer Spurengase mit Eisoberflächen
Mitra, Subir Kumar
PGS: POLSTRACC / GWLCYCLE and SALSA: University Participation in joint Arctic HALO Mission
Engel, Andreas
Pfeilsticker, Klaus
Volk, Ph.D., C. Michael
Predictability of Rossby wave packets: Climatology and dynamical characteristics
Riemer, Michael
Quantitative climate reconstruction for MIS 3 in Central Europe based on multi-proxy data from precisely dated speleothems (flowstones) from Bleßberg Cave, Germany
Scholz, Denis
Radiative decay of stratospheric filaments in the troposphere
Wirth, Volkmar
Rossby Wave Packets in a Changing Climate and Implications for Weather Extremes in Europe
Fragkoulidis, Georgios
Spatially Inhomogeneous Cirrus: Influence on Atmospheric Radiation
Borrmann, Stephan
Wendisch, Manfred
The effect of synoptic-scale wave breaking on cross tropopause transport and trace gas distribution
Hoor, Peter
Trace gas transport on global and regional scales in the light of a new model system: mixing and mixing lines at the polar front
Hoor, Peter
Turbulent fluxes and thermal convection in a valley
Foken, Thomas
Wirth, Volkmar
Upper troposphere and lower stratosphere transport pathways of aerosol and tracers associated with the Asian monsoon circulation (AeroTrac)
Hoffmann, Lars
Hoor, Peter
Wind tunnel investigations on riming of ice particles: Retention of water-soluble organics and the influence of turbulence on the growth of graupels.
Mitra, Subir Kumar
Wind tunnel studies on the melting of ice hydrometeors: the effect of collision and turbulence on melting (HydroCOMET)
Szakáll, Miklós
Research Units
Completed projects
Diagnosing Rossby wave train errors in numerical weather forecasts (RW-FCST)
Wirth, Volkmar
Gravity-waves impact on ice clouds in the tropopause region (GW-ICE)
Achatz, Ulrich
Spichtinger, Peter
Physico-chemical parameters of desert aerosols
Jaenicke, Ruprecht
Physico-chemical parameters of mixed mineral, biomass burning and marine aerosols
Schütz, Lothar
Weinbruch, Stephan
Rossby wave trains and their waveguides: dynamics, predictability and forecast errors (RW-GUIDE)
Riemer, Michael
Romppainen-Martius, Olivia
The importance of ice nucleating particle types and modes for the initiation of the ice phase and precipitation: Model simulations based on laboratory measurements.
Diehl, Karoline
Szakáll, Miklós
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Aerosol particles in the outflow regions of the Asian monsoon: Composition and formation processes
Köllner, Franziska
Eddy shedding transport from the Asian monsoon as a source of pollution for the lowermost stratosphere
Hoor, Peter
Plöger, Felix
PHILEAS (Probing high latitude export of air from the Asian summer monsoon)
Hoor, Peter
Towards a quantification of vortex impact on the arctic lowermost stratosphere
Hoor, Peter
Trace Gas Budgets and Interhemispheric Differences of Composition and Transport in the UTLS
Hoor, Peter
Completed projects
Airborne in-situ characterisation of the microphysical and optical properties of small ice crystals and large hydrometeors (AMOSIL): HALO implementation and analysis methodology
Borrmann, Stephan
Schnaiter, Martin
Chemical and microphysical properties of natural cirrus and contrail cirrus
Borrmann, Stephan
Voigt, Christiane
Chemical composition, transformation, and cloud activation properties of submicron aerosol particles in the outflow of large major population centers
Borrmann, Stephan
Schneider, Johannes
Impact of upper tropospheric jet-front systems on the mesoscale structure of the tropopause inversion layer and cross-tropopause transport [MESO-TIL]
Kunkel, Daniel
Mixing processes in the stratosphere from fine to global scales with a fast high precision QCL spectrometer for N2O and CO on HALO
Hoor, Peter
Craig, George
Transport and composition of the southern hemisphere UTLS (SOUTHTRAC)
Engel, Andreas
Hoor, Peter
WISE: Wave driven isentropic exchange
Hoor, Peter
Current projects
Aerosol nucleation in the upper troposphere
(Project Heads
Curtius, Joachim
Tost, Holger
Central coordination and observational data synthesis
(Project Head
Hoor, Peter
Data management and computing
(Project Head
Kunkel, Daniel
Deriving transport timescales in the UTLS from age tracers and the propagation of the sea-sonal cycle of CO2
(Project Heads
Engel, Andreas
Hoor, Peter
Fine scale composition gradients and mixing at the tropopause region
(Project Heads
Hoor, Peter
Tost, Holger
Impact of cirrus clouds on tropopause structure
(Project Heads
Achatz, Ulrich
Spichtinger, Peter
Impact of small-scale dynamics on UTLS transport and mixing
(Project Heads
Achatz, Ulrich
Kunkel, Daniel
Schmidli, Ph.D., Juerg
Joint model development and modelling synthesis
(Project Heads
Achatz, Ulrich
Tost, Holger
Lagrangian analysis of the role of extratropical cyclones for UTLS aerosol and humidity
(Project Head
Miltenberger, Annette
Large scale variations of water vapour and ice supersaturated regions
(Project Heads
Krämer, Martina
Reutter, Philipp
Rolf, Christian
Processing of organic compounds in ice particles during deep convective transport into the UTLS
(Project Heads
Szakáll, Miklós
Theis, Alexander
Sources and processes controlling aerosol composition in the UTLS- From tropical monsoon to extratropical regions
(Project Heads
Borrmann, Stephan
Köllner, Franziska
Schneider, Johannes
Structure formation and mixing in the extratropical tropopause region
(Project Heads
Kunkel, Daniel
Wirth, Volkmar
The composition of the global UTLS nowadays and at the end of the 21st century
(Project Heads
Jöckel, Patrick
Tost, Holger
Transport of aerosols and precursors from the planetary boundary layer into the UTLS- BrIdging Surface emissions, Transport and UTLS Matter (BISTUM)
(Project Heads
Fachinger, Friederike
Kandler, Konrad
Weigel, Ralf
Transport processes regulating the lowermost stratospheric ozone reservoir
(Project Heads
Birner, Thomas
Hoor, Peter
TRR 301: The tropopause region in a changing atmosphere
Hoor, Peter
Variability in UTLS transport from model age of air and impacts on composition
(Project Heads
Hoor, Peter
Plöger, Felix
Completed projects
Development of a predictability index for severe weather events over Europe
(Project Heads
Craig, George
Wirth, Volkmar
Dynamical understanding of “windows of forecast opportunity”
(Project Heads
Grams, Christian
Riemer, Michael
Wirth, Volkmar
Evolution and predictability of storm structure during extratropical transition of tropical cyclones
(Project Heads
Riemer, Michael
Schömer, Elmar
Impact of microphysical uncertainties on supercell storm predictions around the world
(Project Heads
Hoose, Corinna
Kunz, Michael
Miltenberger, Annette
Vogel, Bernhard
Weissmann, Martin
Impact of structured heat sources on larger scales in atmospheric dynamics
(Project Heads
Hildebrandt, Andreas
Lukacova, Maria
Spichtinger, Peter
Medium-Range to Subseasonal Predictability of European Heat Waves
(Project Heads
Fink, Andreas
Wirth, Volkmar
“Piggybacking” clouds to analyze cloud scale parameterization uncertainty
(Project Heads
Hanke-Bourgeois, Martin
Spichtinger, Peter
Tost, Holger
Role of uncertainty in cold front microphysical processes and organization
(Project Heads
Grams, Christian
Hoose, Corinna
Miltenberger, Annette
The variability and relevance of the intrinsic limit of predictability
(Project Heads
Craig, George
Riemer, Michael
Tost, Holger
Wirth, Volkmar
Three-dimensional structure of African Easterly Waves and organization of embedded convection
(Project Heads
Fink, Andreas
Riemer, Michael
Schömer, Elmar
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bedeutung der troposphärischen Eisphase für die globale Dynamik
(Project Head
Wirth, Volkmar
Central Administrative PRoject Of the SFB (CAPROS)
(Project Heads
Bingemer, Heinz
Borrmann, Stephan
Composition and distribution of ice nuclei in continental air masses and in mineral dust after long-range transport
(Project Heads
Bingemer, Heinz
Schütz, Lothar
Weinbruch, Stephan
Holographische in-situ Messungen der mikrophysikalischen Größen atmosphärischer Partikel in vereisten Wolken
(Project Head
Vössing, Hermann-Josef
Mass spectrometric in situ analysis of the chemical composition of ice nuclei and ice particle residuals
(Project Heads
Borrmann, Stephan
Curtius, Joachim
SFB 641: The Tropospheric Ice Phase - TROPICE
Borrmann, Stephan
Spatial Inhomogeneities of Cirrus: Effects on Atmospheric Radiation
(Project Heads
de Reus, Marian
Spichtinger, Peter
Wendisch, Manfred
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Partikeleigenschaften auf den Strahlungstransport in unterkühlten und vereisten Wolken
(Project Head
Borrmann, Stephan
Wind tunnel studies about riming of ice particles. II: Influence of turbulence and retention of water-soluble organics
(Project Heads
Diehl, Karoline
Mitra, Subir Kumar
Priority Programmes
Current projects
FRAGILE: Exploring the role of FRAGmentation of ice particles by combining super-partIcle modelling, Laborotary studies, and polarimEtric radar observations
Kneifel, Stefan
Seifert, Axel
Szakáll, Miklós
Completed projects
Turbulent Fluxes and thermal convection in a valley
Foken, Thomas
Wirth, Volkmar
Wechselwirkung von kleinen und großen dynamischen Skalen in einem adaptiven numerischen Modell für atmosphärische Feuchtkonvektion
Behrens, Jörn
Wirth, Volkmar
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 826: Trace Analysis of Elemental Species: Development of Methods and Applications
Hoffmann, Thorsten
Additional Information
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