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  • Newly published projects in April 2024

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Results 151 to 200 out of 250 on 5 pages
Applicants Yvonne Oelmann ,  Wolfgang Wilcke
Subject Area Soil Sciences
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The interpretation of stable isotope ratios to elucidate environmental processes requires a profound knowledge of the isotope system of each element in the ... 


Spokesperson Christoff Zalpour
Review Board Art History, Music, Theatre and Media Studies
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
Performance-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) are thought to be primarily of neuromusculoskeletal origin and can affect the practice, rehearsal, ... 


Applicant Jes Rust
Subject Area Palaeontology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The Lower Devonian Hunsrück slate is one of the world's most important conservation deposits. The number of fossil finds, their outstanding preservation and ... 


Applicant Torsten Haberzettl ( in cooperation with Leon J. Clarke, Junbo Wang, Guillaume St-Onge, Hendrik Vogel )
Subject Area Physical Geography
Subproject of SPP 1006
DFG Programme Infrastructure Priority Programmes Term Since 2024
The project applied for here is intended to support the Nam Co drilling project (NamCore, Tibet) for which an ICDP full proposal received a very positive ... 


Applicant Felix Gross ( in cooperation with Patrick Lajeunesse )
Subject Area Geophysics
Subproject of SPP 1006
DFG Programme Infrastructure Priority Programmes Term Since 2024
East Canada is, and has been, a key region for climate variations on the northern hemisphere. In the Labrador Sea, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning ... 


Applicant Stephanie Catani
Subject Area German Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern German Literature)
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Situated at the intersection of literary studies, media theory, comparative media studies and digital humanities, the project proposed here is concerned with ... 


Applicant Sandro Wartzack
Subject Area Engineering Design, Machine Elements, Product Development
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Structural optimization represents an economical and effective lightweight design method, especially when full material utilization in terms of strength and ... 


Applicants Frank Ortmann ,  R. Thomas Weitz
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Organic semiconducting polymers are promising building blocks for novel electronic devices where they are often used to transport charge. Even though ... 


Applicant Stephan Schiller
Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
This project addresses the topics ``metrology of fundamental constants" and the ``search for beyond-Standard-Model Physics". It proposes to develop ... 


Applicant Florian Kraus ( in cooperation with Antti Karttunen, Hubert Huppertz )
Subject Area Solid State and Surface Chemistry, Material Synthesis
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Ferroelectrics are insulators with a spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by an external electric field. Their properties make them desirable  


Applicant Franziska Knolle
Subject Area Biological Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Schizophrenia is a highly debilitating disorder. Despite many research-advances the link between the pathophysiology and the occurrence of the complex set of ... 


Applicant Constantin Plaul
Subject Area Protestant Theology
DFG Programme Publication Grants Term Since 2024
The primary aim of this publishing endeavor is to render my extensive research on the foundation of Protestant media ethics in the digital age accessible to ... 


Applicant Kevin Winter
Subject Area Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Societies are polarized about topics such as climate change, immigration, and measures to contain health threats. People’s attitudes on such controversial ... 


Applicant Markus Morgenstern
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The central ingredients of the Quantum Hall effect are a bulk localization-delocalization transi-tion and an accompanying perfect quantization of the Hall ... 


Applicants Oliver Jäkel ,  Joao Seco
Subject Area Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
DFG Programme New Instrumentation for Research Term Since 2024
FLASH radiotherapy demonstrates a striking biological sparing effect of normal tissues while keeping similar anti-tumor efficacy, termed the “FLASH effect”. ... 


Applicants Alexey Chernikov ,  Ermin Malic
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Atomically-thin layers of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides emerged as an excellent platform to study interacting electronic many-particle ... 


Applicant Andreas Jäger ( in cooperation with Vojtech Stejfa, Václav Vins )
Subject Area Technical Thermodynamics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Many industrial applications are based on environmentally unsuitable fluids such as (hydro-)fluorochlorocarbons, which have to be replaced. As a consequence, ... 


Applicant Tareq Sydiq
Subject Area Political Science
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
This project aims to research how the transition from insurgency to consolidated rebel governance changes opportunity structures for protest movements. The ... 


Applicant Dirk Schindler
Subject Area Forestry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
In the past 70 years, storms have posed the most significant natural hazard to European forests. Storm damage occurs when trees are exposed to destructive wind  


Applicant Andreas Krause
Subject Area Forestry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Lightning is a significant yet often disregarded disturbance agent in forest ecosystems, with potential implications that are currently underestimated. Recent ... 


Applicants Marc Alexander Aßmann ,  Jan Sperling ( in cooperation with Katarzyna Roszak, Andrea Chiuri, Jaroslaw Korbicz )
Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
With QuCABOoSE, we challenge the belief that interactions with a bath necessarily diminish quantum effects forever and, thereby, restrict the progress in the ... 


Applicants Babette Döbrich ,  Wolfgang Wernsdorfer ( in cooperation with Takis Kontos, Pol Forn-Diaz, Sorin Paraoanu, Igor Irastorza )
Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Axions, or axions-like particles, are important candidates for dark matter in the universe. The QRADES project is devoted to their quantum enhanced detection ... 


Applicant Jörg Ebbing ( in cooperation with Nanna B. Karlsson )
Subject Area Geophysics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
In our proposed project, we plan to analyse the thermal state of the Greenland ice sheet and lithosphere with a focus on reconciling temperature estimates for ... 


Applicant Shrey Kohli
Subject Area Toxicology, Laboratory Medicine
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Gestational vascular diseases are a major cause of maternal, fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, these complications have a major impact ... 


Applicant Claudia Gärtner
Subject Area Roman Catholic Theology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Religious Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is being conceptually and didactically developed in Religious Education (RE). So far neither the ... 


Applicant Gürsel Caliskan ( in cooperation with Gal Richter-Levin, Ersin Yavas, Gabrielle Girardeau, Charlotte Boccara, Fuat Balci )
Subject Area Cognitive, Systems and Behavioural Neurobiology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Childhood adversities have long-lasting consequences in terms of mental health and well-being, and, exposure to childhood adversities (Juvenile stress [JS]) ... 


Applicant Igor Nenadic ( in cooperation with Paolo Brambilla, Ahmad Abu-Akel, Timothea Toulopoulou, Tamsyn Van Rheenen, Rafael Romero-Garcia )
Subject Area Biological Psychiatry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Environmental stressors, spanning early-life adversities to critical life events in adulthood, have the potential to significantly shape mental health ... 


Applicant Philipp Thieme
Subject Area Evolution, Anthropology
DFG Programme WBP Return Grant Term Since 2024
Applicants E. Marie Muehe ,  Anja Worrich
Subject Area Soil Sciences
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Contaminants with antimicrobial properties, including heavy metals and antibiotics, pose a significant threat to soil health. While heavy metals are often ... 


Applicant Marja Timmermans
Subject Area Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Multicellular organisms rely on intricate developmental programmes for the proper formation and functioning of tissues and organs. Central to these programs ... 


Applicant Stefanie Pöggeler
Subject Area Metabolism, Biochemistry and Genetics of Microorganisms
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Autophagy literally implying “self-eating”, describes an evolutionarily conserved eukaryotic process of degradation and recycling within lysosomes in animals ... 


Applicant Maryna Nazarovets
Subject Area Communication Sciences
DFG Programme WBP Position Term Since 2024
Universities seeking to attract and effectively use research funding have a number of resources to support their academic journals (highly qualified and ... 


Applicant Alexander Kiefer
Subject Area Biological and Biomimetic Chemistry
DFG Programme WBP Return Grant Term Since 2024
Spokesperson Eva Gerharz
Review Board Social Sciences
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
Contemporary society is characterised by multiple insecurities which are often experienced as crises. When seen as such, this evokes responses at all levels: ... 


Applicant Annika Hildebrandt
Subject Area German Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern German Literature)
DFG Programme Publication Grants Term Since 2024
With support by the DFG, the intemational conference Shifting Modes of Writing. Stylè(s) in the Eighteenth Century took place at the Leibniz Center for ... 


Applicant Julietta Miriam Förthner ( in cooperation with Tim Hugo Taminiau, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Ulrike Grossner, Florian Kaiser )
Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Spin qubits associated to optically active solid-state defects are being explored as a platform for quantum networks. Recently, the silicon vacancy centre ... 


Leader Sebastian Heimbs
Review Board Materials Engineering
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2024
This proposal is for a single-stage compressed gas gun to carry out high-velocity impact (HVI) tests on lightweight structures made of metallic or ... 


Leader Friedrich Paulsen
Review Board Medicine
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2024
The application is for a digital slide scanner that can be used to create digital images of tissue sections in the best quality and highest level of detail. In  


Applicant Carlos Peña
Subject Area Geophysics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The accumulated strain at plate boundaries (slip budget) governs the location and magnitude of large earthquakes at subduction zones, often triggering ... 


Leader Sandro Wartzack
Review Board Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2024
The application is for an electrodynamic small-load testing machine with various testing tools and force measuring units for carrying out material and ... 


Spokesperson Sascha Röck
Review Board Production Technology
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
The proposed research impulse "Smart Factory Grids - Methodologies for a service-based, highly flexible, dynamic distributed manufacturing with autonomous, ... 


Applicant Franziska Jehle
Subject Area Biomaterials
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Snail mucus is a biomaterial with multiple and even antagonistic functions. It mainly consists of water, proteins and carbohydrate-rich molecules and is used ... 


Applicant Wolfram Joachim Herrmann
Subject Area Public Health, Healthcare Research, Social and Occupational Medicine
DFG Programme Clinical Trials Term Since 2024
Non-medical health related social problems are highly prevalent in primary care. They can have a considerable impact on the development and course of mental ... 


Applicant Karl Meier
Subject Area Palaeontology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, driven by natural and anthropogenic factors, have profound implications for Earth's climate. The Ocean is recognized as ... 


Applicant Wolfgang Wilcke
Subject Area Soil Sciences
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OPAHs) can be produced during combustion of organic materials or secondary transformations of parent-PAHs in the ... 


Applicant Dieter-Henrik Heiland
Subject Area Clinical Neurology; Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology
DFG Programme Heisenberg Grants Term Since 2024
The precondition for a Heisenberg Programme funding is high scientific quality and originality of the research project at international level and suitability ... 


Applicant Karl Thomas Guhr ( in cooperation with Leszek Sirko, Thomas H. Seligman, Santhosh Kumar, Barbara Dietz, Ulrich Kuhl )
Subject Area Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
It is very difficult to measure the physical processes in molecules, atoms, atomic nuclei or in the quantum world in general. Scattering experiments that map ... 


Applicant Nicolas Gisch ( in cooperation with Nahuel Fittipaldi, Marcelo Gottschalk )
Subject Area Veterinary Medical Science
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Teichoic acids (TAs) are essential components of the cell wall of the zoonotic pathogen Streptococcus suis that mainly infects pigs. The structure of its ... 


Applicant Moumita Naskar
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme WBP Position Term Since 2024
Superconductors with a noncentrosymmetric structure possess unique characteristics. The absence of inversion symmetry introduces an antisymmetric spin-orbit ... 


Applicant Philip Egetenmeier
Subject Area Ancient History
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2024
In my research project, I want to examine the representation of potential successors in the period from Caesar's autocracy (45 BC) to the death of Septimius ... 



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