Project Details
SPP 1293: Models of Competencies for Assessment of Individual Learning Outcomes and the Evaluation of Educational Processes
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2007 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 28115198
The measurement of competencies is essential for optimising educational processes and developing educational systems. At the same time, empirical assessment presents a demanding task from a theoretical as well as from a methodological point of view. The Priority Programme unites cognitive oriented domain experts with cognitive psychologists and measurement experts. The main goal of the Priority Programme is to create and empirically test models of competence structure and development as a basis to construct valid and fair measuring instruments on two levels:
(1) on the level of promoting individual learning processes, and
(2) on the level of monitoring educational institutions and systems.
Within the context of the Priority Programme, competencies are defined as domain-specific cognitive dispositions, which are acquired and needed to successfully cope with certain situations or tasks. Thus, each competence is functionally understood as the potential to meet the cognitive demands of a certain area of learning and behaviour. The Priority Programme follows four concrete sub-goals:
(1) Cognitive models of competencies should be developed, which reflect the contextualised and domain-specific nature of competencies and enable theory based task development. These models should also focus on cognitive process attributes, level assignment and competence development as well as noncontinuous or noncumulative structures.
(2) Thereupon, sophisticated psychometric models should be developed taking into account the above-mentioned contextualised character of competencies and incorporating inter-individual differences as well as situation-specific factors.
(3) In addition, concrete measuring instruments should be developed to empirically assess and to give feedback about characteristics and changes in competencies. At the same time, these instruments are also needed both for continued basic research and for applied contexts.
(4) Beyond this, it should be examined, under which conditions model-based assessment of competencies in educational practice gives rise to sound and precise pedagogical decisions (individual-related) as well as political decisions concerning education (quality development).
(1) on the level of promoting individual learning processes, and
(2) on the level of monitoring educational institutions and systems.
Within the context of the Priority Programme, competencies are defined as domain-specific cognitive dispositions, which are acquired and needed to successfully cope with certain situations or tasks. Thus, each competence is functionally understood as the potential to meet the cognitive demands of a certain area of learning and behaviour. The Priority Programme follows four concrete sub-goals:
(1) Cognitive models of competencies should be developed, which reflect the contextualised and domain-specific nature of competencies and enable theory based task development. These models should also focus on cognitive process attributes, level assignment and competence development as well as noncontinuous or noncumulative structures.
(2) Thereupon, sophisticated psychometric models should be developed taking into account the above-mentioned contextualised character of competencies and incorporating inter-individual differences as well as situation-specific factors.
(3) In addition, concrete measuring instruments should be developed to empirically assess and to give feedback about characteristics and changes in competencies. At the same time, these instruments are also needed both for continued basic research and for applied contexts.
(4) Beyond this, it should be examined, under which conditions model-based assessment of competencies in educational practice gives rise to sound and precise pedagogical decisions (individual-related) as well as political decisions concerning education (quality development).
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Austria, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom
- Bewertungskompetenz für systematisches Entscheiden in komplexen Situationen Nachhaltiger Entwicklung (Applicant Bögeholz, Susanne )
- Computergestütztes adaptives Assessment von Schülerkompetenzen beim heuristische Arbeiten mit Repräsentationen funktionaler Zusammenhänge (HEUREKO-CAT) (Applicants Bruder, Regina ; Kröhne, Ulf ; Wirtz, Markus Antonius )
- Diagnostische Kompetenz von Grundschullehrkräften bei der Erstellung der Übergangsempfehlung (Applicant Gräsel, Cornelia )
- Die Entwicklung physikalischer Kompetenz (Applicant Neumann, Knut )
- Dynamisches Testen im Bereich der Lesekompetenz: Zur Diagnostik und Beeinflussbarkeit der Lesekompetenz durch Feedback und (meta-) kognitive Hilfen in einer computerbasierten Untersuchung (Applicant Artelt, Cordula )
- Entwicklung naturwissenschaftlicher Kompetenz in der Grundschule (Applicants Hardy, Ilonca ; Koerber, Susanne ; Möller, Kornelia )
- Entwicklung und Überprüfung von Kompetenzmodellen zur integrativen Verarbeitung von Texten und Bildern (Applicants McElvany, Nele ; Schnotz, Wolfgang )
- Entwicklungsverläufe in Deutsch- und Mathematikkompetenzen (Applicant Wilhelm, Oliver )
- Formative Kompetenzmessung mit kognitiven Diagnosemodellen (Applicant Wilhelm, Oliver )
- Gesundheitskompetenz: Modellentwicklung und Validierung (Applicants Rudinger, Georg ; Soellner, Renate )
- Heuristisches Arbeiten mit Repräsentationen funktionaler Zusammenhänge - Diagnose mathematischer Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern (HEUREKO) (Applicants Bruder, Regina ; Leuders, Timo )
- Kompetenzorientierte Assessments in der kaufmännischen Berufsbildung (Applicant Winther, Esther )
- Kompetenzstrukturen fächerübergreifenden und fachlichen Problemlösens (Applicants Leutner, Detlev ; Rumann, Stefan )
- Koordination des Schwerpunktprogramms "Kompetenzmodelle zur Erfassung individueller Lernergebnisse und zur Bilanzierung von Bildungsprozessen" (Applicants Klieme, Eckhard ; Leutner, Detlev )
- Literarästhetische Urteilskompetenz: Modelldifferenzierung und -integration (Applicants Frederking, Volker ; Roick, Thorsten )
- Metakognitive Wissen und bereichsspezifisches Vorwissen bei Schülern der Sekundarstufe: Eine Längsschnittstudie zur Erfassung der Relation beider Wissenskomponenten im Entwicklungsverlauf (Applicants Artelt, Cordula ; Schneider, Wolfgang )
- Modellierung der Beratungskompetenz von Lehrern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Diagnostischen Kompetenz (Applicant Schmitz, Bernhard )
- Modellierung von Kompetenzen mit mehrdimensionalen IRT-Modellen (Applicant Hartig, Johannes )
- Multidimensionale adaptive Kompetenzdiagnostik (Applicants Frey, Andreas ; Kröhne, Ulf )
- Nutzung und Auswirkungen der Kompetenzmessung in mathematischen Lehr-Lern-Prozessen (Applicants Blum, Werner ; Klieme, Eckhard ; Leiss, Dominik )
- Nutzung und Auswirkungen der Kompetenzmessung in mathematischen Lehr-Lern-Prozessen (Applicants Blum, Werner ; Klieme, Eckhard )
- OBSERVE III - Differenzielle Untersuchungen zur prädiktiven Validität der Professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung als pädagogisch-psychologische Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden (Applicants Prenzel, Manfred ; Seidel, Tina )
- Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften - Bedingungen der Entwicklung fachdidaktischen Wissens bei Lehramtsstudierenden (Applicants Kleickmann, Thilo ; Kunter, Mareike )
- Prozessdaten zur Kompetenzmodellierung (Applicant Goldhammer, Frank )
- Rule-based Item Generation of Algebra Word Problems Based upon Linear Logistic Test Models für Item Cloning and Optimal Design (Applicants Holling, Heinz ; van der Linden, Wim J. )
- Selbstregulationskompetenz beim Lernen aus Sachtexten (Applicant Wirth, Joachim )
- Theoriegeleitete Erhebung von Kompetenzstufen im Rahmen probabilistischer Messmodelle - Ein Beitrag zum Aufbau eines Heidelberger Inventars Geographischer Systemkompetenz (HEIGIS) (Applicants Funke, Joachim ; Siegmund, Alexander )
- Theoriegeleitete Konstruktion von Aufgaben zur Erfassung des Problemlösens in dynamischen Situationen (Applicant Funke, Joachim )
- Theoriegeleitete Konstruktion von Aufgaben zur Erfassung des Problemlösens in dynamischen Situationen (Applicant Funke, Joachim )
- Umweltbildung zur Förderung umweltspezifischer Handlungs- und kognitiv-emotionaler Kompetenzen: Erfassung und Modellierung der Kompetenzstruktur (Applicant Bogner, Franz X. )
- Validierung von Standard-Setting Verfahren für kompetenzorientierte Leistungstests (Applicant Pant, Hans Anand )
Professor Dr. Eckhard Klieme; Professor Dr. Detlev Leutner