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Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Charité Mitte
Medizinische Klinik mit Schwerpunkt
Rheumatologie und Klinische Immunologie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Autoreactive B and T lineage cells in renoprotection from immune-mediated damage
Schrezenmeier, Eva
Characterizing the impact of the microenvironment on plasma cell function
Hauser, Anja Erika
Deconvolution of plasma cell/plasmablast: heterogeneity and origin in systemic lupus
Dörner, Thomas
Glucocorticoid-mediated immune-metabolic reprogramming of macrophages
Krönke, Gerhard
Mechanometabolism in osteoarthritis (OA): Does mechanical stress affect the metabolism of human fibroblast-like synoviocytes and contribute to stromal memory driving OA?
Damerau, Alexandra
Phenotypic and functional analysis of immune cells during severe COVID-19
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Radbruch, Helena
Purinergic alarmin signaling in acute and chronic viral Infections
Löhning, Max
Completed projects
Analyse der Mechanismen nichtgenomischer Glucocorticoidwirkungen
Buttgereit, Frank
Analysen des B-Zellgedächtnisses bei Patienten mit SLE
Dörner, Thomas
Apoptotic cell-derived membrane microparticles: molecular characterization, immunmodulatory activity and their role in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus
Lorenz, Hanns-Martin
Schiller, Martin
B-Zellsubpopulationen beim Sjögren-Syndrom
Dörner, Thomas
Charakterisierung und Modulation von autoantigen-spezifischen T-Zellen beim Systemischen Lupus erythematodes durch das pathogenetisch bedeutsame SmD183-119-Peptid
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Delineation of pathogenic plasma cell subsets
Lino, Ph.D., Andreia
Differentielle Genexpression in Zellen des Synovialgewebes bei entzündlichen und nichtentzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen
Häupl, Thomas
Differenzierung mesenchymaler Zellen in dreidimensionaler Kultur: In-vitro-Differenzierung und Transplantation vitaler Knorpel- und Knochengewebe
Burmester, Gerd-Rüdiger
Dissection of cell-cell communication networks in chronic viral infection by kinetic immune-cell monitoring and mathematical modeling
Löhning, Max
Thurley, Kevin
Disturbed B cell homeostasis of B cells in SLE: Delineation of intrinsic signaling abnormalities
Dörner, Thomas
Entwicklung eines maßgeschneiderten Mikroarrays für die Rheumatoide Arthritis über Vollblutanalytik
Stuhlmüller, Bruno
Epigenetische Signaturen von Gedächtnis-T-Zellen und ihre funktionelle Bedeutung
Hamann, Alf
Herkunft und Funktion von membranständigen Glucocorticoidrezeptoren humaner Immunzellen
Buttgereit, Frank
Identification of gene expression profiles in monocytes/macrophages from patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Stuhlmüller, Bruno
Immunologische Charakterisierung der initialen Phase des Frakturhämatoms beim Menschen
Buttgereit, Frank
Initiale Phase der Knochenheilung: Inflammation und Organisation
Perka, Carsten
JIMI - a network for intravital mikroscopy: dedicated project supervision from cell imaging to cell tracking in living organisms
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Mechanisms of protective versus autoreactive B cells in systemic lupus erythematosus
Dörner, Thomas
Molekulare und zelluläre Charakterisierung der Multi-Komponenten-Plasmazell-Nische
Winter, Oliver
Novel regulators of plasma cell differentiation
Chu, Van Trung
Dörner, Thomas
The interrelationship of autoantibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – rheumatoid factors revisited
Burmester, Gerd-Rüdiger
The role of caspase activation in the regulation of osteoclast fusion and bone homeostasis
Scherbel, Carina
The role of endogenous glucocorticoids in bone and cartilage destruction by immunologic processes
Buttgereit, Frank
The role of the IL-23/Th17 axis as modulator of B cell-mediated (auto)immune responses
Krönke, Gerhard
Transcriptional programming and reprogramming of inflammatory T helper 1 cells
Höfer, Thomas
Löhning, Max
Untersuchung der Dynamik von Antikörper-produzierenden Zellen in Knochenmark und Mucosa mittels Multiphoton Mikroskopie
Hauser, Anja Erika
Untersuchung der Rolle der 12/15-Lipoxygenase in der Pathogenese der rheumatoiden Arthritis
Schett, Georg
Untersuchung der Rolle von PPAR delta in der Osteoklastogenese und im Knochenstoffwechsel
Krönke, Gerhard
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Physical principles of parasite-host interactions in Giardia muris infection
Hauser, Anja Erika
Rausch, Sebastian
Completed projects
Analyzing the Heterogeneity of Innate Lymphoid Cells and the Relationship with their Microenvironments in situ and in vivo
Hauser, Anja Erika
Delineation of human plasma cell subsets and their bone marrow niche
Dörner, Thomas
Design principles of NKp46+ ILC-macrophage cross-talk in autoimmune organ damage
Thurley, Kevin
Triantafyllopoulou, Antigoni
Evaluation of the nuclear receptor Retinoid Acid Receptor related Receptor alpha (RORalpha) as a novel regulator of osteoclastogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis
Distler, Jörg Hans Wilhelm
Investigation of the role of the nuclear receptor NR4a1 during bone turnover and maintenance of the hematopoietic niche in the bone marrow
Krönke, Gerhard
Pasteurella multocida toxin as a tool to modulate bone and immune cell differentiation
Hieke-Kubatzky, Katharina
The role of CXCR2-ligands for neutrophil mobilization from the bone marrow to peripheral sites
Gunzer, Matthias
Waisman, Ari
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2886: PANDORA - Pathways triggering AutoimmuNity and Defining Onset of early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Krönke, Gerhard
FOR 5560: Crosstalk between B cell metabolism and signaling
Jellusova, Julia
Spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signaling and metabolism in germinal center B cells
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Completed projects
Analysis of osteo-immune crosstalk during bone healing by longitudinal intravital imaging
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Combined B cell/T cell therapy as novel approach for the re-induction of humoral immune-tolerance.
Krönke, Gerhard
Coordination Funds
Krönke, Gerhard
FOR 2165: Regeneration in Aged Individuals: Using Bone Healing as a Model System to Characterise Regeneration under Compromised Conditions
Duda, Georg
T cells as regulative element during the onset of autoantibody-mediated Arthritis
Krönke, Gerhard
Translational Arthritis Database, crosslinking clinical and basic Research.
Pachowsky, Milena
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Defining microenvironmental cues governing myeloid functions during bone regeneration in situ and in vivo.
(Project Heads
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Hand Motion Patterns Derived from Empathokinaesthetic Sensor Data as a Diagnostic Parameter for Disease Activity in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases
(Project Heads
Kleyer, Arnd
Liphardt, Anna-Maria
Schett, Georg
Harnessing bone macrophage and osteoclast programs and function to promote bone regeneration
(Project Heads
Diefenbach, Andreas
Triantafyllopoulou, Antigoni
Completed projects
Analysis of tolerance induction of interleukin-17-producing T helper cells in the small intestine
(Project Heads
Esplugues, Ph.D., Enric
Hauser, Anja Erika
Biological characterisation of early bone healing and onset of regeneration
(Project Heads
Buttgereit, Frank
Perka, Carsten
Characterisation of human peripheral and intestinal T cell responses after mucosal antigen exposition: Induction of tolerance vs. immunity
(Project Heads
Dörner, Thomas
Ullrich, Reiner
Development of tailored protocols for tolerance induction by immunoablation and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in autoimmune diseases
(Project Heads
Alexander, Tobias
Arnold, Renate
Hiepe, Falk
Differenzierung autoreaktiver B-Lymphozyten beim systemischen Lupus erythematodes
(Project Head
Dörner, Thomas
Generation und Homeostase von autoreaktiven Plasmazellen bei Autoimmunerkrankungen
(Project Heads
Hiepe, Falk
Manz, Rudolf
Generation und Homeostase von autoreaktiven Plasmazellen bei Autoimmunerkrankungen
(Project Heads
Hiepe, Falk
Manz, Rudolf
Glucocorticoid-mediated immune-metabolic reprogramming of macrophages during the resolution of inflammation
(Project Head
Krönke, Gerhard
Impaired phagocyte function in the immunopathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): Etiology and therapeutic intervention
(Project Heads
Triantafyllopoulou, Antigoni
Voll, Reinhard
Integration of signal transduction and cytokine expression in T helper lymphocytes
(Project Heads
Höfer, Thomas
Löhning, Max
Radbruch, Andreas
Interaktionen des Immunsystems mit mesenchymalen Zellen bei der chronischen Polyarthritis: Chondrozytenmembranen als Autoantigene
(Project Head
Burmester, Gerd-Rüdiger
Modulation von chronischen Immunreaktionen über CD152 (CTLA-4)
(Project Heads
Brunner-Weinzierl, Monika Christine
Burmester, Gerd-Rüdiger
N01: Understanding and exploiting mechanisms controlling T cell tolerance, protective immune responses and autoimmunity
(Project Head
Geginat, Ph.D., Jens
New generation anti-B cell therapy
(Project Heads
Dörner, Thomas
Salama, Abdulgabar
Organisation der T-Zell-Hilfe bei der Erzeugung von Rheumafaktoren bei der Rheumatoiden Arthritis
(Project Heads
Bläß, Stefan
Burmester, Gerd-Rüdiger
Störungen des humoralen Gedächtnisses bei Patienten mit Sjögren-Syndrom
(Project Heads
Dörner, Thomas
Hansen, Arne
Suppression of autoreactive T cell responses by Th2 cells
(Project Head
Löhning, Max
Suppression of unwanted immune reactions
(Project Heads
Babel, Nina
Löhning, Max
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Targeting of memory plasma cells in autoimmune diseases
(Project Heads
Burmester, Gerd-Rüdiger
Hiepe, Falk
Radbruch, Andreas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Visualization of Germinal Center Dynamics and Differentiation of Antibody-Forming Cells in vivo by Multiphoton Microscopy
Hauser, Anja Erika
Current projects
Differentiation and fate of osteoclasts during health and disease
(Project Heads
Grüneboom, Anika
Krönke, Gerhard
ILC3-myeloid cell crosstalk during homeostatic maintenance of the epithelial barrier and during IBD
(Project Heads
Diefenbach, Andreas
Triantafyllopoulou, Antigoni
Organ defense during metastatic colonization by shielding macrophages
(Project Heads
Krönke, Gerhard
Pukrop, Tobias
Completed projects
Analysing B lymphocytes in their environment by complementing longitudinal and functional intravital microscopy with multiplexed immunofluorescence histology
(Project Heads
Hauser, Anja Erika
Niesner, Raluca Aura
Analysis of B cell dynamics in chronic neuroinflammation
(Project Heads
Hauser, Anja Erika
Radbruch, Helena
Heterogeneity and Imprinting of Long-lived Plasma Cells
(Project Heads
Dörner, Thomas
Mei, Henrik
Mononuclear phagocyte differentiation trajectories driving a cytokine storm and tissue damage in COVID-19
(Project Heads
Herold, Ph.D., Susanne Valerie
Triantafyllopoulou, Antigoni
Regulation of CNS Lupus by brain macrophages
(Project Head
Triantafyllopoulou, Antigoni
Selective plasma cell targeting
(Project Heads
Alexander, Tobias
Hiepe, Falk
Hoyer, Bimba Franziska
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Characterization of checkpoint receptor-mediated B-T-cell communication as novel targets for immunotherapies
Dörner, Thomas
Sawitzki, Birgit
Scheibe, Franziska
KFO 5023: BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosing, Understanding and Treating Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases
Endres, Matthias
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2599: FAIR - Fine-Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Zaiss, Mario M.
Completed projects
GRK 1121: Genetic and Immunologic Determinants of Pathogen-Host-Interactions
Lucius, Richard
GRK 1660: Key Signals of Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
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